Example sentences of "of [noun pl] [pron] be [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 The ensuing debate , however , does little credit to the Mendelians , the more bigoted of whom refused even to believe in the existence of the pads despite the eye-witness testimony of a number of biologists who were later to become household names in their own rights — a list of eye-witnesses that includes British biologists as diverse in their biological contributions as J. B , S. Haldane , W. H. Thorpe , L. Harrison Matthews and G. E. Hutchinson .
2 These new reinforcements arrived only just before a resumption of activities which were swiftly to thin their ranks to an alarming extent .
3 A new generation of nobles who were not to taste the sweetness of military success and knew only at second hand of the prestige and profits gained in the 1340s and 1350s led the opposition to the court in the last years of Edward III 's reign and during the reign of Richard II .
4 AD 160 saw the growth of buildings which were ultimately to affect the planning of the civilian town .
5 Not really believing it , and in total ignorance of the can of worms she was about to open , she asked , ‘ Are there many with that name in the area ? ’
6 Eventually this plan was abandoned in favour of a completely new church and , in Mr Dwyer 's own words : ‘ — while God was pouring out His Spirit and building His spiritual house , a spacious and attractive sanctuary was rising for the accommodation of worshippers who were soon to fill it with songs of praise . ’
7 If I 'd been a religious and I would have thanked one god or another for the large number of kilocreds I was soon to collect , which would keep me from any kind of poverty for a long time .
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