Example sentences of "of [adj] [adj] [noun sg] was [art] " in BNC.

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1 A celebrated example of French masterly inactivity was the French policy of discouraging imports of Japanese video cassette recorders . ’
2 Never again was it to be so easy for blunt common sense , which knew in any case that the triumphant world of liberal capitalist progress was the best of all possible worlds , to mobilise the universe on behalf of its prejudices .
3 Probably the single most important figure in the development of early Spanish Christianity was the late fourth-century teacher Priscillian of Avila .
4 A favourite theme of early nineteenth-century literature was the personal ordeal of the ‘ superfluous man ’ , the quest of the young , educated Russian for a meaningful role in life .
5 Economic growth as an objective of national economic policy was a natural part therefore of a liberal view of the world .
6 It is not , perhaps , surprising that the solution of the Conservative lawyers in their pamphlet , Rough Justice , to the same problem of unmet legal need was the introduction of subsidies for practitioners operating privately in deprived areas and an extension of the assistance given by lawyers to voluntary advice agencies .
7 Her mass of frizzy black hair was a woman 's as well .
8 Weavers and combers might at most times make common cause against clothiers , but when the import of ready-combed Irish wool was the issue at Tiverton in 1749 they came to blows .
9 The spatial outcome of increasing socio-political polarization was an increase in the contrasts of wealth and of constituency voting between North and South , and between urban and rural areas .
10 The only positive line of local-central political communication was the Bolshevik Party network .
11 An important aspect of western Arabian society was the division of the Prophet 's own tribe , the Quraish , into two main rival groups .
12 Overshadowed by the intensity of the debates on the death penalty , the ending of judicial corporal punishment was a notable step towards the debrutalizing , if not the humanizing , of criminal justice .
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