Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The main tenets of this were nationalisation of foreign concessions , expropriation of large landed estates ( although it was not specified to whom they should be transferred , an omission reflecting the ambivalent attitudes regarding the role of the peasantry , which proved one of the most controversial issues in the debates between Latin American and Soviet Marxisms ) , repudiation of the national debt , rejection of imperialist control over the economy , the fight for an eight-hour day and the ‘ stamping out of semi-slave-like conditions of labour ’ .
2 Some kind of garbled nonsense over the phone about something that had happened while you were robbing the place . ’
3 Instead , they have explained it in terms of political conflict over the programmes of central government ( particularly after the election of a Conservative government in 1979 ) or longer-term central-local tensions , in which the centre is concerned to minimize the pressure generated by the existence of local political autonomy .
4 The second feature of bureaucracy which has enlarged its area of political influence over the choices to be made among values , priorities and objectives , rather than merely the technical means to be employed , is the discretionary power of officials .
5 A list that sets out the items carefully in red ink , a thin trail of watery blood over the paper .
6 The action is set in a south London council flat of hideous squalor over the Easter weekend of 1990 , and it begins with a young man effing and blinding in a crescendo of impotent , inarticulate fury , before picking up a television and hurling it across the room .
7 It can either form a thin , skin-like layer of solid lava over the liquid , rather like the skin that develops on custard or boiled milk , or else it develops a rather thick , rubbly surface layer consisting of loose blocks of solidified lava .
8 Frederica gagged on hers , nauseated by a memory of the foundering black body as the life left the legs , of the crawling sheet of sticky blood over the shoulder under the pics , of trailing hooves and horns dragged over sawdust .
9 The mosaics of S. Sophia have been covered by layers of painted plaster over the centuries ; in most places it is two inches thick .
10 A threat to his position of total supremacy over the whole of the Hochhauser Season ?
11 Remember that velocity stands for the ratio of total spending over a period of time to the stock of money available .
12 This was a bura ( Italian bora ) , the wind which originates when an area of low pressure over the Adriatic attracts cold air from the continental interior .
13 Due to wartime conditions the peasantry got the same amount of agricultural machinery over the years 1915–21 that they had been able to buy in a single year prior to the World War .
14 My mother , a witness to many acts of motiveless violence over the years , was already holding the door open .
15 Both the Listening Test and the Grammar Test have been the subject of rigorous research over a number of years , with up to forty different nationalities of students .
16 The nature of the DLP 's creation was a prominent campaign issue and most observers interpreted the party 's unexpectedly poor showing as indicative of a high degree of popular resentment over the merger .
17 These have taken the form of protest meetings , marches and other types of direct action over a variety of issues .
18 The new convention had been the subject of detailed negotiation over a number of years , with the incompatibility of legislation on advertising in the various countries and the amount of European-made programmes in particular providing obstacles to agreement ( see also p. 36494 ) .
19 The brittle autumn leaves , shaken by the rush of air , flurried down like a shower of charred paper over the roof and the bright green of the grass .
20 There can be little doubt that the administration of criminal justice has paid insufficient attention to problems of sexual abuse over the years , and recent improvements in police procedures and in services for victims are to be welcomed .
21 Pride of place went to an architect 's drawing of Carinish Court over the fireplace .
22 Plowden established the principle that decisions involving substantial future expenditure should always be taken in the light of surveys of public expenditure over a number of years , and in relation to the prospective resources .
23 ‘ Of course there 's been a lot of public controversy over the proposals for hospital trusts and fund-holding general practices , that 's part of the job .
24 They apply to the justification of the use of public power over a range of issues , for an extended period of time .
25 In these elite theory accounts , then , political leadership principally consists of maintaining an impression of public control over the state apparatus as a whole , and developing slogans or political formulae useful in mobilizing voter or interest group support .
26 There must also be a place for ‘ commodity-money relations ’ , or in other words the market , which was an ‘ irreplaceable means for the flexible economic coordination of production with growing and constantly changing public requirements and an important instrument of public control over the quality of goods and the costs of their production ’ .
27 The publication of the two lists fuelled expressions of public disgust over the affair , and appeared to intensify the widespread public dissatisfaction with incumbent politicians which had been evidenced by the original exposure of the banking scandal .
28 Dribble a few drops of olive oil over the filling and place the pizza under a hot grill until the cheese has melted and browned .
29 But she conveyed an impression of someone much older because her movements were restricted by rheumatism and her limbs made frail by lack of proper nourishment over the years .
30 Do we really want to go down in history as the generation which sold for a mess of pottage the finest British companies , which have successfully built brand names and franchises of high repute over a century or more … ?
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