Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] be the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Among the areas of technical interest is the evaluation of GIS software when used with zonal datasets , particularly since this form of information is far more common in the social sciences and ‘ the real world ’ than are the digital mapping and remote sensing datasets for which GIS is most highly developed so far .
2 In addition , of course , the goal of deaf education is the production of English literacy and communication , so that the teacher can legitimately impose rules of English on the form of signing .
3 ] Though firms in the real world , like markets involve a subtle mixture of control mechanisms , this chapter assumes that the essence of firm-type organization is the use made of authority to direct and coordinate resources .
4 The first of the four stages in the creation of regional consciousness is the assumption of territorial awareness and shape .
5 A second property of sediments which is of economic importance is the porosity , the spaces between the solids , which may become filled with water or other fluids such as oil and gas .
6 The most recent development in the law of involuntary manslaughter is the doctrine of manslaughter by recklessness .
7 The prime example of political control is the government 's Action for Community Employment scheme .
8 Another factor affecting the impact of political pressure is the degree to which groups are prepared to make their protest felt .
9 One advantage of computerized typesetting was the speed with which it could be learned .
10 One of the factors widely deemed as critical to Miyazawa 's chances of short-term survival was the need to obtain Diet approval for the 1992 budget by April 1 , the beginning of the fiscal year .
11 Its key tenets are : 1 The customer comes first : The first and most important characteristic of total quality is the search continually to meet , and even exceed , the customer 's demands and expectations .
12 A corollary to the restricted data approach found in much of Chomskyan linguistics is the importance placed on writing rules of grammar which are fixed and true 100% of the time .
13 He recalled the movie Member of the Wedding which he described as ‘ the ONLY adult film I have ever seen which made a serious attempt to analyse the idea of adolescent loneliness being the prelude to alone-ness . ’
14 On the basis of some remarkably weak clinical evidence he decided that the site of emotional experience was the cingulate gyrus , which lies on the medial surface of the hemispheres .
15 Implicit in the use of direct observation was the need to work in the outside environment and to bring objects from the outside environment into the classroom .
16 Indeed , his only idea of historical development was the process of adding to the number of the elect , which at a certain fixed target would bring history to an end .
17 The primary engine of historical change is the transformation of the economic sphere , which progressively establishes and extends humanity 's conquest of nature and moves towards the elimination of material scarcities .
18 The second underlying process of kin support which is highlighted by the examination of historical evidence is the process of maximizing and making the best use of resources within the kin group .
19 It has been argued that a better measure of familial aggregation is the ratio of prevalence among relatives to that in the general population , but this ratio alone is also of limited value since , for a given heritability , it varies inversely with population prevalence .
20 An alternative to this type of full-scale reconstruction is the type of reconstruction used at the Jorvik Centre in York , where special effects , including sounds and smells , give visitors an impression of what it was like to walk through York in the Viking era .
21 ONE of the more bizarre products of German unification is the film ‘ Go Trabi Go ’ , a central-European road movie with a difference .
22 One of the glories of Old Clonmacnoise was the possibility of seeing a strange stone face staring from a broken column in a randomly-chosen clump of grass .
23 The most common form of instrumental performance is the organ voluntary .
24 And there is another reason that would favour it : the language of free choice is the language that is used in everyday life by the people it purports to describe .
25 A further use of free diatonicism is the formation of note clusters in which a number of adjacent notes are played together .
26 The dividing line which separates true desktop publishing from other forms of electronic publishing is the ability to create the basic elements , assemble them electronically and print the final result all from the same system .
27 Lastly , perhaps the biggest danger of electronic coursework is the possibility of a virus attack , but if the marker is aware of the problem he can take reasonable preventive measures .
28 A symbol of lesser importance was the cross and its variants such as the star , wheel and swastika .
29 Of comfort to those of lesser virtue is the fact that pub drinkers , guided only by guesswork , tend to overestimate the calories provided by alcoholic drinks , while innocent orange-juice drinkers , or saintly souls who will ‘ just stick to a bitter lemon , thanks ’ , often underestimate the number of calories they are consuming .
30 The critical area of public management is the management of organisational interdependence , for example in the delivery of services or in the management of the budgetary process .
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