Example sentences of "of [art] [adj -er] [noun sg] of [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He always admired the culture , manners and civilization of the better type of Englishman . ’
2 I have mentioned relative to the ignorance , the immorality , the grossness , the obscenity , the drunkenness , the dirtiness , and depravity of the middling and even of a large portion of the better sort of tradesmen , the artisans , and the journeymen tradesmen of London in the days of my youth , may excite a suspicion that the picture I have drawn is a caricature .
3 The young Francis had been educated with the sons of the better class of tradesmen .
4 Whether they are already leaders or aspire to more senior positions or are any part of those steadily developing collegial teams which are necessary to manage the diversity of educational change , then breadth of knowledge , a political awareness of the wider field of debate , the capacity to stand back , criticize and to argue to an acceptable and workable end , all these are essential parts of the professional 's equipment .
5 The codes used are summarised in Fig 11.13 ; internal in this instance referred to any activity within the EPH system model , and external to those of the wider system of interest or surrounding environment , eg the Department headquarters , Area Offices etc .
6 This defeat was itself part of the wider eclipse of state medicine in the 1870s and 1880s , which opened the space for purity groups to push for their own conception of sexual reform through the criminal law .
7 It is an indication both of the confusion within the Unionist Party and of the wider appeal of Paisley 's politics that the election was punctuated by claims and rebuttals concerning a pact between the Protestant Unionists and the Unionist Party .
8 A second and important strategy is WACC Animation Programme , it underlines the fact that a regional association can not operate in a vacuum but is part and parcel of the wider world of communication , both regionally and internationally .
9 Therefore , as the firm takes on more of the cheaper form of financing , debt , the cost of equity should rise so as to offset the advantage and maintain a constant cost of capital regardless of the debt — equity ratio .
10 Deutsch has also made arrangements with King 's College Cambridge and the Society of Authors , acting on behalf of the estate of E M Forster , to renew and continue publication of the Abinger Edition of E M Forster , which will include not only some of the earlier works , but also the first publication of material contained in the King 's College Forster archives .
11 ‘ And this figure is growing because of the higher proportion of plastic used in modern cars .
12 More than a million expatriate Britons now live in South Africa , taking advantage of the higher standard of living caused by excellent exchange rates .
13 Therefore some of the higher activity of Ca 2 + observed in gall bladder bile from patients with gall stone disease may be caused by the lower pH .
14 That is unlikely to be the case because of the higher cost of beef , lamb and pork in Britain compared with US production .
15 ( 1973 ) have also shown that urban containment policies have resulted in higher house prices as a result of the higher price of land , so that there has been a fall in the quality of new first-home , owner-occupier dwellings in town and country .
16 With the exception of the higher rate of SSP to which I have already referred , this has been applied to all the relevant main benefits rates — notably retirement pensions , war pensions , widows ' pensions , invalidity benefit , severe disablement allowance , the disability living allowance rates equivalent to the present mobility and attendance allowances , invalid care allowance , industrial injuries benefits , and the national insurance benefits for unemployment , sickness and maternity .
17 The effect of the provisions is to deem the income to be that of the settlor , usually for all the purposes of income tax but sometimes only for the purposes of the higher rate of tax .
18 Boehm 's group began work in 1979 at the research reactor at the Institut Laue Langevin ( ILL ) in Grenoble , but the researchers have since moved their apparatus to take advantage of the higher flux of neutrinos from the more powerful commercial reactor at Goesgen in Switzerland .
19 Furthermore , because of the higher coefficient of variation paraffin embedded material cell cycle analysis is not as reliable as in fresh tissue of solid tumours .
20 At this point , however , the Committee is faced with the need to overcome a major obstacle to any general acceptance of the higher value of English in the university : the charge of being a " soft option " .
21 Thus the office base for a local service should cater for a local population of 10–20,000 people , although in inner-city areas the number can be larger because of the greater density of population .
22 Darwin realized that many secondary sexual differences were a consequence of the greater intensity of competition between males for access to mates and that many traits were more highly developed in males either because they conferred an advantage in fights or because they rendered their possessor more attractive to females .
23 Clearly , such adjustments were likely to be restricted to relatively low levels of the bureaucracy because of the greater centralization of control at the upper echelons , but this probably applies to other systems as well .
24 Greenfield takes this to be further evidence of the greater degree of abstraction being learnt in schools .
25 Homosexual clergy also need appropriate pastoral support , even though in evidence to us they said that they often prefer to work in Urban Priority Areas because of the greater degree of acceptance and diversity of life-styles .
26 This degree of modification comes about partly because of the greater degree of digestion in mammalian carnivores compared with the regurgitated remains from avian predators , and partly because of their use of teeth to break up prey before digestion .
27 Another consequence of the greater viscosity of andesite lavas is that they flow more slowly .
28 However , in urban areas this was less common and there seems to have been more opportunity for young people to stay in the parental home for longer , because of the greater availability of work in the locality ( Anderson , 1980 , pp. 25–6 ) .
29 Perhaps these are symptoms of the greater concreteness of Lawrence 's description : he makes his nouns , adjectives , verbs and adverbs work for him without weaving them into an abstract web of relationships .
30 The end of the First World War was accompanied by unmistakable evidence that the population of the greater part of Ireland had no intention of remaining within the United Kingdom ; and when the attempt to force a home rule constitution upon them provoked a rebellion , Britain had to recognise defeat , but insisted upon the Irish Free State accepting what was called Canadian status by recognising the King Emperor as its representative for external purposes .
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