Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun] [conj] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 She was bullied by an older child of the foster family and did not receive the protection from the foster parents which she deserved .
2 MUCH of the advance publicity that surrounded Hook , Steven Spielberg 's adaptation of J. M. Barrie 's Peter Pan story , concentrated on the ageing directorial wunderkind 's affinity for the subject of a boy who never grows up .
3 And suddenly , despite fitzAlan 's merciless vow of retribution , a fatalistic calmness descended on her , bringing a return of the cool impassivity that had served her so well in the past .
4 Well one of the , you see , one of the strange things that happened at that time , traditionally engineers , and I think I said this in my previous statements to you , for example in where there was no bonus ever adhered to , er our members looked at their , the daily production er er routine , that any interference as far as time was concerned , by the management you know , would be an intrusion on their sacrificial rites , and therefore it was n't tolerated .
5 They walked out of the warm lobby and gasped , both of them , as the December wind whipped down the street and slapped them into the open air .
6 My last charter had begun ; I had one week to work , then it would be back to Masquerade , and then to the long winds of the southern ocean that led to the uttermost ends of the earth , and thus to happiness .
7 Sculptors for the most part have ignored the results of the industrial revolution and failed to investigate these fundamental processes of steel-making , engineering and construction .
8 In financing the development at home and abroad of the railways , it made possible the enormous growth in the production first of iron , later of steel , which characterised the secondary stage of the Industrial Revolution and guaranteed it as an irreversible change .
9 Remembering her host 's clever trick of the night before , she had made a sandwich of the remaining ham and wrapped it carefully in one of her pocket handkerchiefs , placing it securely in the pocket of her pelisse .
10 By a painter who befriends him , and who sleeps for a while with his mother , Jaromil , already self-perceived as exceptional , original , is introduced to modern art , which ‘ had not yet become the shopworn property of the bourgeois masses and retained the fascinating aura of a sect , a magical exclusivity fascinating to childhood — an age always daydreaming about the romanticism of secret societies , fraternities and tribes ’ .
11 They were not outstanding , however , as technical innovators , preferring simply to adopt , or in some cases adapt , the best of the available designs and put their efforts into efficient manufacture , a high standard of materials and workmanship , and competitive marketing .
12 Unlike the movement for judicial reform , which owed much to the right of the political spectrum but finished on the left , the government 's attitude towards freedom of the press began by reflecting the views of the left of the political spectrum but finished on the right .
13 Unlike the movement for judicial reform , which owed much to the right of the political spectrum but finished on the left , the government 's attitude towards freedom of the press began by reflecting the views of the left of the political spectrum but finished on the right .
14 While the political literati lay waste to vast tracts of newsprint in their musings about the causes of Labour 's failure , and the shortcomings of the political system that compounded it , those people who constitute what ought to be the bedrock of oppositional electoral support are becoming increasingly alienated not only from the Labour Party , but from the entire political process .
15 In part , at least , this reflected the influence of Russian history and of the political tradition that derived from it .
16 As they were forced to respond to the pressure for constitutional change the established interests saw a glint of light at the end of the political tunnel and came to entertain the hope that if the middle classes were allowed a subordinate share of power then they just might turn from being poachers to gamekeepers of the system and so side with the aristocracy in helping to keep the working classes in order .
17 Certainly abolitionists used techniques which had a radical pedigree — this was a source of Wilberforce 's concern — but most of them did not tie them to programmes of large-scale reconstruction of the political order and sought to portray the economic change involved in abolition and emancipation as a smooth transition to a more profitable state of affairs .
18 He despised most of the political leaders and hoped to give France a strong constitution with a powerful Presidency , a position which , of course , he would be well suited to fill .
19 But in fashioning his movement , Baden-Powell skilfully wove together any number of the political questions that preoccupied his contemporaries , and the movement 's spectacular growth drew on deep funds of social anxiety — anxieties which invariably settled around the excessive liberty allowed to young people and the attendant demoralisation which was , in turn , linked to a newly perceived upsurge in crime and violence among the young .
20 Instead she gazed into the dully glowing ashes of the dying fire and remembered a wild , enchanted garden and a tender , handsome soldier who had awoken her to approaching womanhood with one gentle kiss and a rose .
21 It was a cheap , ready-made form of hedging , but if took up almost an eighth of the cleared land and remained an unfortunate legacy for succeeding farmers .
22 It was only when they came out of the rearmost door and found a temporary hut facing them with Radio Room marked on the door , that they realised why they had n't found it the first time .
23 Benjamin threw open the top part of the stable door and grinned maliciously .
24 The garage was part of the stable block and had been made out of the old coach house .
25 In 1913 he was a co-founder of the Irish Volunteers and joined the secret Irish Republican Brotherhood .
26 The offensive which began in summer 1942 on the southern wing of the eastern front and carried German troops over the Crimea and into the Caucasus , and the successes of the Afrikakorps and U-Boats in the Atlantic offered new opportunities to admire the exploits of the Wehrmacht .
27 He belonged to that alliance of the professions , the remnants of old money and a smattering of intellectuals which had a romantic view of the working man and found a sympathetic ear in the leadership of more conservative trade unions .
28 Typical of the uneasy compromises that resulted was the Ten Articles of Faith laid down by convocation in 1536 .
29 And now as they descended on Geneva , she pressed her forehead against the pane of the oval window and breathed deeply .
30 In 1985 the World Bank listed important by-products of the tropical forests and included the following :
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