Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [noun] ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The trophies were displayed on a prize cloth , designed and embroidered by Marjorie McCree and ladies of the church embroiderers ' guild .
2 In 1981 he was chairman of the Computer Retailers ' Association , and he stood as a local government candidate for Rother Valley in the 1987 General Election .
3 The efforts of the home unions ' committee appear to have worked — for now at least .
4 They included Lady Mary Bell , of East Rounton ; Mr Tom Haigh , of Stokesley ; Mrs Iris Wilkinson , of Sessay ; Mr Ian Kibble , of the Country Landowners ' Association ; Mr Peter Edmonds , of the National Farmers ' Union , and others who have spearheaded the anti-pylons movement over the last year .
5 [ A. B. Emden , Biographical Register of the University of Oxford , vol. i , 1957 ; N. Denholm-Young , Collected Papers , 1969 , pp. 74–82 ; W. N. Yates , ‘ The Authorship of the Hereford Mappa Mundi and the Career of Richard de Bello ’ , Transactions of the Woolhope Naturalists ' Field Club , Herefordshire , vol. xli , pt. 2 , 1974 ; J. Le Neve , Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae , 1066–1300 , vol. iii , Lincoln , compiled by D. E. Greenway , 1977 , pp. 20 , 73 ; N. J. Morgan , Early Gothic Manuscripts , vol. ii , 1250–1285 , 1988 , pp. 195–200 . ]
6 Cosmos , Europe 's largest Coach Tour Operator , is a bonded member of the Tour Operators ' Study group ( TOSG ) an association of Britain 's leading Tour Companies .
7 In the offices of the Sex Pistols ' company , Glitterbest , Branson became known as ‘ Mr Pickles ’ .
8 ‘ Fascist pigs ’ , yelled McLaren , at last creating an ‘ incident ’ worthy of the Sex Pistols ' reputation .
9 After only a few minutes ' discussion , Hill and Branson agreed a transfer of the Sex Pistols ' contract from EMI to Virgin , conditional , of course , on the agreement of the group 's manager , Malcolm McLaren .
10 McLaren , desperate to complete the film , had no option but to agree , thereby effectively signing away his control of the Sex Pistols ' future .
11 Here was the source of the Committee members ' indecision and the second of the factors which decided the matter in Franco 's favour .
12 The National Union of Mineworkers says it had expected the news but Trevor of the pit deputies ' union NACODS had this message for miners .
13 The accounts provided in this chapter of the development officers ' work will have shown already the breadth of activities in which they were involved : assessing , visiting and supporting clients and their families ; recruiting , training and supervising support workers ; negotiating with other service-providers .
14 Their duty covers all kinds of further education for adults that do not come within the scope of the funding councils ' duty .
15 Up to 1,500 Indians may have died over the last two years as a result of the gold miners ' presence on their land .
16 We had brought in respected experts from outside Whitehall like Mark Weinberg , Professor Alan Peacock , and Marshall Field of the Life Offices ' Association to act as assessors .
17 A denizen of the government whips ' office in the Commons , a mouse nicknamed ‘ Maastricht ’ , was killed .
18 A Tory MP and a member of the Government Whips ' Office , he , too , had fallen under the spell of the late Emma Kerr , but that was water under another bridge .
19 There he came to the attention of the Principal of the government teachers ' training college .
20 In early 1949 , 17 studios were idle , over a third of the film technicians ' union 's members were unemployed and British filmmaking , as a writer in the New Statesman put it , was ‘ facing disaster ’ .
21 Gravenor Henson , the leader of the Framework Knitters ' Union , they argue , did not even approve of Luddite actions .
22 Agency staff or their principals are not asked to judge classes , with the exception of the solo editors ' class , from which agency personnel are barred .
23 Charles Myers , chairman of the electricity consumers ' committee for Merseyside and North Wales , dismissed the 1pc tariff cut as insufficient to help the ordinary customer .
24 Charles Myers , chairman of the electricity consumers ' committee for Merseyside and North Wales , dismissed the 1pc tariff cut as insufficient to help the ordinary customer .
25 I 'm Joe , a member of the cocoa workers ' union in Ghana .
26 In a final statement issued at the close of the talks the group agreed to conduct an " urgent review " of the member countries ' negotiating positions towards finding greater flexibility and facilitating a breakthrough at the deadlocked " Uruguay Round " of global trade talks launched in 1986 under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) [ see pp. 37227-28 for most recent developments in Uruguay Round negotiations ] .
27 ( Interestingly , in the car industry , although Ford has never belonged to an association in Britain nevertheless in Germany it is an active member of the metalworking employers ' association and follows the terms of its negotiated agreements . )
28 Will Thorne , leader of the Gas Workers ' Union , moved a resolution : While the conference unanimously supported Treasury or rate-financed school meals , only a minority was prepared to let the state share parental responsibilities more fully .
29 Euan Robson , the Scottish manager of the Gas Consumers ' Council , said : ‘ Winters are longer and colder in Scotland but the Government seems not to have taken account of this . ’
30 The most trenchant criticism came from Marcel Ette , general secretary of the university teachers ' union Synares , who reminded the meeting that the Constitution guaranteed individual liberties and envisaged the existence of political parties other than the PDCI .
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