Example sentences of "of [art] [adj] [noun sg] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There were four of them so there was as much chance of the average Girl staying at the Tiller flat as of getting into Buckingham Palace .
2 From this point of view the relevant question to ask about the shift of the aggregate demand curve in figure 4.4 from AD to AD 1 is : Was it predictable on the basis of the available information relating to the process determining aggregate demand ?
3 It is not clear whether such an adjourned meeting requires to take place within one month of the first day of the quarterly board meeting in virtue of the provisions of s.4(2) of the Act .
4 Becoming embarrassingly aware of the awful smell emanating from her sodden clothing , she closed her eyes in defeat .
5 The question of Ulster was there , too , with the shadow of the Irish rebellion hanging over the constitutional unity of the British Isles .
6 Newspaper reports of a " secret " meeting between Mandela , Tambo and President F. W. de Klerk on Dec. 17 caused embarrassment for the ANC , which later admitted that a meeting had taken place but described it as " a long-scheduled meeting of the working group looking into the suspension of armed actions " .
7 The prospects of the working class embarking upon a reformist path in the pre-war years therefore depended upon the prospects for a liberalization of the political system .
8 One study of Scottish babies showed that 90 per cent of mothers started to train their babies during the first year with half of the middle class and a quarter of the working class starting before 6 months of age ( Drillien 1964 ) .
9 The emerging workings were rising straight towards the centre of the depression with the consequent danger of the liquid peat flowing into the underground roadways .
10 The softness of the female flesh writhing above her was very unlike the firm , muscular body of a man .
11 ( 2 ) re-enacts the provisions of 5.18(3) of the 1959 Act relating to adjournment .
12 The memory that would always stay with the Lerskys was of the tiny Lieserl waddling along the platform .
13 Less than two weeks later , British and American troops met sections of the Russian Army advancing from the other direction , and the end of the European war .
14 ‘ I 'm afraid I do n't relish the idea of the general public tramping through my home . ’
15 I I I hope I hope er Mr Chairman these facts are brought to the attention of the general public bearing in mind the general public over a large catchment area enjoy the facilities here .
16 The short-lived Mond — Turner talks advocated this new spirit in industrial relations , which can be viewed as an extension of the concept of the General Council acting as representative of the whole trade union movement in national industrial matters .
17 Personnel changes in the Democratic Front ( DF , which under the communist regime had brought together the PLA and the various mass organizations ) were implemented on June 19 , with the chair of the general council passing from former Prime Minister Adil Carcani to Aleks Luarasi , and Vesil Lushaj becoming secretary-general .
18 To stress the sense of transience , Helen Chadwick assembles around the moor motifs of these allegorical couples the emblems of further mortification : from the hand of the ecstatic figure whirling with the goose fall maggots from the goose 's lights ; the double-headed figure of Harvest faces one way to ripeness and bounty , the other towards decomposition ; the frivolous ribbons , lacy frills , frothy trailing trimmings and net tights , the schoolgirl socks and other ornaments echo the fripperies of Vanitas paintings .
19 He had not realized that the boundaries of the black hole according to the two definitions would be the same , and hence so would their areas , provided the black hole had settled down to a state in which it was not changing with time .
20 Firstly , do the findings of the Black report relating to the period up to and including 1983 remain unchanged now that more comprehensive data sets and analyses are available ?
21 The first fish purchased were the Corydoras Arcuatus , the Skunk Cory , called this because of the black stripe running along the arch of the back .
22 Notorious articles ( 141 , 142 and 163 ) of the penal code dating from the 1930s which effectively outlawed communist or fundamentalist opinion were abolished by the new legislation .
23 It means the total amount of the undistributed income arising under the settlement ( therefore capital gains are excluded ) but excluding any income which is deemed under the settlement provisions to be taxed on the settlor and any amount which has already been taken into account as a capital sum under the section .
24 An auspicious day in cutter history as it was the first instance of the reigning monarch travelling by revenue cutter .
25 In the meantime , even a brief look confirms a familiar profile : the large ellipse of the rear bout pulling into the elongated narrow waist , the exaggerated offset of the upper and lower horns , the elegant necks topped off with a neat and compact headstock .
26 The driver spun the wheel as the Mercedes reached the end of the row of parked cars and it skidded sideways , the left corner of the rear bumper crumpling in a flash of sparks as it glanced off the wall .
27 The film has a large surface area and the dye absorbs much of the visible light shining on it .
28 said : ‘ This is a major part of the European jigsaw falling into place .
29 The house was part of a terrace , narrow and rising four stories from the level of the semi-private road running alongside Kensington High Street .
30 It should be emphasised , however , that one major reason for the growth in its use has been the effect in recent years of the additional legislation bearing upon employment and the increased cost and risks of employing operatives direct .
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