Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [coord] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The story of the blacksmith 's involvement in the Battle of Drumclog can not be substantiated by any written record of the battle but it has been handed down through many generations of people in the Irvine Valley and spoken of with pride .
2 ‘ Keith hits and kicks any child playing with a toy he wants ’ is an objective description of the problem and it allows us to decide whether it should take priority over some other problem behaviour .
3 In addition G. lamarcki does not have a dense covering of granules in the oral region and ventral part of the arms and it has a maximum of five arm spines not four as in G. caputmedusae .
4 Erm I 've got an information pack here which I 'll hand out at the end of the session and it 's got sort of four fairly erm useful leaflets in it .
5 Then , when I was grown up I saw the film The Sinking of the Titanic and it brought back the terror .
6 In solutions , which are stabilized in this way by secondary bonding , the LCST usually appears below the boiling temperature of the solvent but it has been found experimentally that an LCST can be detected in non-polar systems when these are examined at temperatures approaching the critical temperature of the solvent .
7 The number of strands in the tight junctions may correlate inversely with the permeability of the epithelium and it has been shown that the crypt tight junctions have fewer strands than the villous junctions .
8 C K is a almost almost certainty for the ending it if it 's at the end of the word and it makes a c sound go for C K if it 's got a vowel just in front of it .
9 The vehicle passed the end of the road but it did n't turn toward us .
10 For the whole unit is bolted to the back of the tractor and it takes a mere ½hr to change it — and no need for a limp back to the workshop !
11 It 's not the best of the campaigns but it sets the parameters , ’ he says.The message from the ‘ Mouth ’ is far more strident and inspiring .
12 Alec had lived on one of the three main streets north of the river and it had a name I remembered — Clashbea Road .
13 Coun. Alan Robinson ( Lab ) said towns all over Europe had introduced pedestrian-only shopping for at least part of the day and it had been hailed as a great success .
14 The weather was lousy again , in fact it was terrible for about three-quarters of the day and it eased off a little when we went out .
15 this is a good word because it well it 's not because of the associations but it stresses the femininity and that 's what a lot of the sixties feminists lost , I think was their own femininity because they saw it as man 's imposition
16 Spend all your life hanging around on the edge of the scrum and it comes as a bit of a shock to get a pair of fingers up your nostrils .
17 That is one of the quirks of the system and it does not affect the outcome of the appeals .
18 Press influence increased towards the end of the campaign but it remained small compared to the influence of partisanship .
19 In between Wrexham had 98pc of the play but it counted for nothing .
20 Once vice-chancellors start to think the unthinkable , then the issue becomes part of the agenda and it becomes harder to retreat .
21 When it came closer I jumped out of the way but it cut the bottom of my trousers .
22 This is intended to reflect her costs as ‘ carer ’ of the child(ren) but it seems probable that many people will interpret it as being money for her maintenance .
23 In any event the civil war was the ultimate sort of turning point which defined that the national government er had a responsibility for ensuring the permanence of the union and it took that responsibility so seriously it was prepared to engage in what was then the bloodiest war in human history .
24 There 's a little old rhyme about sowing crops which accepts that you ca n't expect the maximum potential from a crop every time — you 've got to allow something for the other occupants of the land and it goes :
25 No firm date has yet been set for the launch of the Trust and it has yet to be decided exactly how it will operate .
26 This was the Emperor Napoleon 's Army of the North and it marched towards the waiting Dutch , British and Prussian forces .
27 You can feel the brake and then you pick up the feel of the tyre and it starts moving a little bit .
28 He smacked the ball and it was heading for the roof of the net but it hit a west ham player on the head and almost knocked his head off !
29 Whether or not the biographer was right , it is true that once you can exclaim ‘ Abba , Father ! ’ , joy is the accompanying fruit of the Spirit and it sheds its radiance over life and death .
30 The difference is essentially one of the spirit and it manifests itself in the habits and attitudes of country folk .
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