Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [conj] [pron] have " in BNC.

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1 With regard to bids to become technology schools , my hon. Friend will be heartened by the quality of the bids that we have received from individual schools , including some exceptionally good schools in Labour-controlled areas .
2 So many of the problems that we have to solve just have nothing at all to do with real life .
3 Um going back to this business of people who 've been abused at er as part of , well not exactly abused , people who 've been severely bullied in in sc in the school system , erm particularly when you 're talking about all boys schools , I mean this is one of the problems that they have to contend with .
4 Before we once-and-for-all set up our new tank ( and next month look at tank decor ) , it 's a sign of the times that we have to pause and consider the single most important item in our tank — water .
5 Er and I think that er that 's part of the problem that we have .
6 However , I have had occasion recently to visit the Church Road offices of the Environmental Health and Building Control sections of the Council and I have been appalled to see the conditions in which these people have to work .
7 Commenting on her selection , Sue Baring said : ‘ I 'm delighted to have been chosen to stand in a part of the country that I have known and loved for many years .
8 The research team includes people located in different parts of the country and they have carried out in-depth analyses of the campaign in 14 selected constituencies .
9 With regard to his latter point , I know that he has sought , and has rightly been provided by the Department , a copy of the circular that we have sent to local authorities precisely to enlist their assistance to ensure that pensioners who will gain from the proposals receive those gains .
10 You have blue bits and you have yellow bits and it 's going to be much easier for you to put them together one on top of the other so you have a blue and yellow syllabus .
11 There is nothing more infuriating and destructive than having the discussion dominated by those who have not got a proper grasp of the subject because they have failed to read the material provided .
12 Such a taboo breaker is dangerous to the rest of the members of the society because they have strong unconscious desires to do the same thing .
13 L 178 , p. 5 ) ) , only in connection with the residence requirement laid down for shareholders , and it will therefore be considered only in the context of part ( b ) of the question as I have reformulated it above .
14 We tend to take our water for granted , a turn of the tap and we have all we need , but we should consider more this most important mineral , without which we could not exist , the dry summer of 1976 proving how much we owe to water companies and the men who operate them .
15 He rather hauntingly characterises the life of the contemplative as a God-hunt and compares those hounds who see the hare and never weary of the chase until they have their quarry with those who run simply because others in the pack do so .
16 It is not only a colour variety but also a more milky strain of the breed and there have been dairy herds of the beloved ‘ Belties ’ , though they would be better described as dual-purpose cattle .
17 In view of the developments that I have mentioned , why should the people of Wales vote for a fourth Conservative Government ?
18 Pilots will tend to try to blame the winch or car driver , or the state of the cable if they have an accident following a cable break .
19 Those minded to take reprisals against witnesses on account of the evidence that they have given can also be punished for contempt .
20 The Supreme Court taxing officer takes the view that on the basis of the evidence that they have seen these figures are probably accurate and it is therefore for the paying party to show why the rates should not be applied .
21 I have a lot of sympathy with this attitude , and I do not doubt that there are genetic advantages in our having brains of the kind that we have .
22 What I am saying is not that culling is necessarily the right thing , but that these are genuine detailed practicable problems which must not be dismissed , as if they were easy , by solutions of the kind that I have just suggested .
23 Manager Harry McNally said : ‘ We are not out of the wood but we have been thrown a lifeline .
24 But they are confessions of the faith that we have , the trust that we have in Jesus Christ .
25 The Alexandra QC leaders said : ‘ We are very proud of the youngsters and we have had a very favourable feedback from the school on this , which is the first project of its kind . ’
26 He has educated me in the best sense of the word and I have trusted him as I think I would trust no one else of my own sex .
27 If at the end of the day once we have gone through the goo the good housekeena keeping exercise and he has been put into an M S three post that you think he is not capable of , then you 've got two options .
28 That 's what all boils down to does n't it at the end of the day and you have n't succeeded as far as I can see in convincing people , those three thousand signatories , that erm it 's not going to affect their lives and the quality of their lives and their their environment adversely .
29 This is part of the life that we have created , and which gives us pleasure , support and autonomy .
30 What I wanted to say was that when I read the Annual Report I was rather surprised to find that there is no reference to the er report of the committee under the chairmanship of Bob , Bob on the organization of the R Y A and then I realized that it probably did n't come to the Council till after the end of the year that we have under consideration but it did seem to me that it has some contentious and some very interesting and rather good points in it and I wonder if we could be told how the consideration of it is getting on .
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