Example sentences of "of [noun prp] was [adv] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The appointment of Valuev was not quite the retrograde step that some contemporaries thought it to be .
2 In 1914 they launched what was one of their crazier attacks , and on 4th June , the deaf community of Dundee was very nearly the victim when a massive bomb was placed against the doorway of Dunhope Castle , the home of Dundee School for the Deaf and the Dundee Mission to the Deaf and Dumb .
3 But Gloucester 's acquisition of Skipton was as much a matter of strengthening existing connections as of creating new ones .
4 But Gloucester 's acquisition of Skipton was as much a matter of strengthening existing connections as of creating new ones .
5 The duchy of Aquitaine was not just the most civilized province in France , it was also a region of great wealth — it would have needed to be to support so much fine art .
6 In effect , it seems safe to conclude that the performance of feudal services by the King of England as duke of Aquitaine and count of Ponthieu was very largely a non-issue .
7 Though after the Lateran Pact of 1929 , which settled the conflict between the Holy See and Italy , the Bishop of Rome was no longer a ( self-imposed ) ‘ prisoner in the Vatican ’ , the papacy 's isolation remained , heightened in popular consciousness by the war years .
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