Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [verb] [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In 1736 the Conservator and Supervisor of the Forest of Dean had reported to the Treasury , ‘ Within the last thirty years those Elections [ of Forest officers ] had been neglected , the Courts discontinued , and offenders left unpunished . ’
2 On the way home from school that afternoon she began to mull over the various possibilities , and when at last the germ of a brilliant idea hit her , she began to expand on it and lay her plans with the same kind of care the Duke of Wellington had done before the Battle of Waterloo .
3 In December 1316 , Bertrand de Goth , vicomte of Lomagne and Auvillars , acting as Clement V 's executor , returned to Margaret of Béarn and the seven-year-old Gaston II a ‘ certain little knife ’ ( cultellum ) , which Gaston I of Foix had lent to the pope .
4 James 's comment , when the news of her birth was brought to him , that ‘ it cam wi' a lass and it will gang wi' a lass ’ ( a reference to the way in which the house of Stewart had come to the throne , through the marriage of Walter the Steward to Robert Bruce 's daughter Marjorie ) may be apocryphal and was , as it turned out , inaccurate ; the ‘ lass ’ who was to bring Stewart rule to an end was not Queen Mary , but Queen Anne in 1714 .
5 The rival genius of Picasso has proved to the world that our age may be epitomized by works which ( show ) his unfailing sense of visual drama , his protean invention and his power of investing his creations with a hallucinatory poetry .
6 Meanwhile Ryan Glass of Inst has withdrawn from the Ulster Junior Boys side for the Inter-pros in Dublin , leaving the onus on Brian McRandal , Stephen Benson and Stephen McCormick to defend the title .
7 In terms of environmental change , the same problems that characterise the Indus basin of Pakistan have ensued in the Nile Valley .
8 It reveals how thousands of Shias have fled across the border to escape .
9 It was , to his delight , leaking but still seaworthy ; but an interested crowd of MacIans had gathered on the shore , and even Lachlan could see that to row up Kentra Bay to attack Arivegaig , with an audience eagerly running ahead to arrange a warm welcome for him , was scarcely sensible .
10 All interpreters of Spain have insisted on the primacy of local ties and the rule of inverse proportion — the greater the area to which patriotism is applied the less intense it becomes .
11 Very soon the coast of England had vanished in the distance .
12 AUTUMN-drilled crops in Scotland and the north of England have come through the winter best , according to the Home-Grown Cereals Authority .
13 THE debate over the ordination of women has been the most heated the Church of England has seen since the Reformation .
14 But Women Against the Ordination of Women said : ‘ We do not believe the Synod or Parliament has authority to make such a change in the ministry which the Church of England has inherited from the ancient Church . ’
15 But then , as far as I am concerned , the Archbishop is the nearest thing the Church of England has got to a superstar .
16 Meanwhile , the Wiltshire-based Regency and West of England has come to the aid of small savers with a minimum of £500 to invest .
17 The remainder of Ireland became known as the Free State of Eire , but disagreement about that partition of Ireland became an inflamed issue within the Free State , and it led to bloody civil war there , after 50,000 British troops were withdrawn , in 1922 .
18 A second indication that these receptors might be involved in the induction of LTP has come from the finding that aminocylopentane dicarboxylate ( ACPD ) , the 1S,3R-enantiomer of which is a specific agonist for mGluRs , can augment tetanus-induced potentiation .
19 Given that the introduction of YOP has led to the appointment of many instructor/supervisors to further education colleges and that , with the coming of YTS , their numbers are likely to grow considerably , then some such programme on a national scale is urgently required .
20 It was an opportune moment to return because the citizens of Aberdeen had embarked on a series of ambitious street improvements at the same time as the technology had developed to enable the exploitation of the plentiful local granite for building purposes .
21 Throughout the tenth and eleventh centuries the Counts of Anjou had belonged to a group of princes who were alternately enemies and allies in the struggle for land and power in northern and western Gaul .
22 But then my lord Prior of Scone had appeared like a miracle , with a great army behind him , and had killed every horseman .
23 The early morning sun of Herefordshire has shone like a beacon to the racing world this week .
24 Bosnian Serbs meanwhile allowed two stranded aid convoys to head for Gorazde and Sarajevo , but another convoy intended for the besieged Muslim town of Srebrenica remained stuck at the border .
25 Srisa Chandra Vasu says in his preface to the Ashyadhyayi , ‘ What the geometry of Euclid has done towards the development of the Western intellect , the Ashtadhyayi fulfils in India ’ .
26 The Marquis of Blandford has disappeared from a London flat after police arrived to arrest him .
27 It never struck me that every time I cut my finger and the cut heals , something other than a piece of Elastoplast has rushed to the rescue .
28 Some of the women who were followers of Jesus had returned from the tomb where Jesus had been buried , saying that it was empty , that they had been told in a vision that Jesus had risen from the dead .
29 The slaying of Osred in 716 at the age of 19 or 20 was certainly an event of some significance for it broke the monopoly of royal power which the descendants of Aethelfrith had maintained since the accession of Oswald .
30 The Hackney shows are the fifth year in succession that the Bard of Barking has sung in the New Year .
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