Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [be] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And when he does , I can easily imagine Charles making this speech which copies The Duke Of Windsor 's apart from the obvious name changes and — crucially — the substitution of ‘ love ’ for ‘ loathe ’ :
2 In Western societies like Britain awareness of the possible or actual dangers of RE is more to the fore than appreciation of its potential assets .
3 While all this was going on agents of Naggaroth were abroad throughout the Old World stirring up trouble .
4 The tiny islands of Quemoy and Matsu just off the coast of China were still in the possession of the Chinese Nationalists .
5 Some people 's conception of God is simply of the old man with a beard in the sky ; others have a more sophisticated vision , but still see Him as a person , subject to feelings and emotions in the same way as human beings are ; yet others conceive of Him ( or , occasionally , Her — or , even , It ) as a creative force .
6 The next point which posed a problem in this case was that the clause was unlimited in geographical area and the business of Littlewoods was solely within the UK whereas the businesses of the GUS group were worldwide .
7 His early work about the alleys of Gamalliyya was fundamentally on the side of the revolution-the one that failed to dislodge the British in 1919 , and that finally threw out Farouk and brought Neguib and later Nasser to rule Egypt .
8 There are now ninety flocks of Cotswold sheep , and nearly a thousand ewes … so the old breed is safe.And some of the finest examples of Cotswolds are here at the show .
9 Theresa was wearing jeans and a grubby sweat shirt with a map of London 's Underground across the front .
10 To this extent , Marxism 's universalizing narrative of the unfolding of a rational system of world history is simply a negative form of the history of European imperialism : it was Hegel , after all , who declared that ‘ Africa has no history ’ , and it was Marx who , though critical of British imperialism , concluded that the British colonization of India was ultimately for the best because it brought India into the evolutionary narrative of Western history , thus creating the conditions for future class struggle there .
11 And for those who like the idea of even more sights and nightlife readily to hand , the wonderful city of Vienna is just down the road .
12 Cleveland County 's Council transportation chairman , Coun David Walsh , said the people of Guisborough were fully behind the £5.9m scheme .
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