Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [be] [verb] with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Joseph Elkington of Princethorpe was faced with a problem .
2 He thought of Jazz being presented with a cross-eyed , spotty , knock-kneed , gook-speaking bride from the Punjab and having to go along with that .
3 The major axis of Stonehenge is aligned with the exact positions of the midwinter and midsummer solstice , leading to suggestions that it was built for ceremonies to mark the annual calendar and seasons .
4 Colleagues of Nigel 's helped with the waterworkings , and my friends got dug into the soil and helped whitewash , and one made most of our curtains , and they really seemed to enjoy it .
5 The National Library of Scotland is collaborating with the British Library and the other legal deposit libraries of the British Isles in a pilot project of shared cataloguing in order to improve the currency and coverage of catalogue records for British books by sharing the responsibility for the creation of those records .
6 DONALD Smith , Regional Manager , South of Scotland was presented with a farewell cheque to mark his retirement from the Royal Bank .
7 Dresses in Indian dupion , Thai and Shantung silk from Romantica of Devon are hallmarked with a hand stitched pale blue appliqué rose — something blue for extra luck !
8 The rather weak response of Sir Robert Megarry stands in sharp contrast to the decision in Kennedy v. Ireland , where the High Court of Ireland was faced with a much more difficult question , also in the context of telephone-tapping .
9 In which respects should A Present View of Ireland be linked with The Faerie Queene ?
10 The walls of Belgo are embossed with the names of Rabelaisian fish that read like insults : ‘ Coldeel , Begginback , Cocklicrane , Assface . ’
11 As we saw in the last chapter the anointed king of Israel was equipped with the Spirit to enable him to carry out his work ; hence the expectation of Isaiah 11:1 ff that the Messiah would also be equipped , in fuller measure , with that Spirit .
12 A full-scale invasion of the southern island of Kyushu was envisaged with the resigned acceptance that the scale of casualties would be high , bearing in mind the larger casualties sustained in recent battles .
13 The coming of God is linked with the making of rain both through the ‘ nimbus ’ and in what follows .
14 The frentic merger activity among the nation 's accountants ( or not , as the case may be ) has spread to the wilds of Yorkshire where the tiny firm of Rawlinsons is linking with the equally tiny Milne Booth .
15 The full-throttle climaxes of Francesca are delivered with a frenzied desperation which is guaranteed to play havoc with all but the most robust of dispositions , and the spine-tingling emotionalism of the gloriously protracted central section is entered into with a fearlessness which borders on the overwhelming — one can feel this music coursing through the orchestra 's veins .
16 In the version here in nineteen ninety two , the death of Christ is coupled with the resurrection , and all that is said in this connection is that he overcame evil .
17 After 30 minutes the amount of PABA was determined with an assay system for urinary PABA .
18 In 1734 , for example , when Campbell of Ardkinglas was faced with a contest in Stirlingshire , this government politician attempted to secure the support of some of the freeholders who were normally to be found in the interest of the Duke of Montrose .
19 Endoscopically ingestion of NSAIDs is associated with a high prevalence of superficial mucosal injury .
20 The western part of Mordovia is scattered with the Correctional Labour Colonies that are administered by the Ministry of the Interior in the distant capital .
21 The study of Europe is continued with an in-depth consideration of contemporary trends and issues , and an examination of Europe 's role in an international context .
22 Indeed , callers to his home in the Hampshire village of Whiteparish were greeted with a sarcastic telephone message , which said : ‘ I am sorry Robin can not come to the phone — he has gone to have his foot amputated . ’
23 Those of us who remember Pitoeff — elegant , etiolated , exquisite — in the eponymous roôle of Enrico IV , know the secret of Pirandello is to manage with the smoothness of fluid transmission those grating gear-changes between different levels of reality .
24 The East Lindsey region of Lincolnshire is blessed with a large portion of the wolds , which are designated as an area of outstanding natural beauty .
25 In 1588 , several inhabitants of Shrewsbury were imprisoned after physically resisting the attempts of the magistrates to pull down a maypole , and the following year the Mayor of Canterbury was confronted with a protest morris dance outside his house when he forbade maypole dancing in the town .
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