Example sentences of "of [noun prp] [be] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Hundreds of ramblers from the Forest of Dean are campaigning against the governments proposals .
2 Wellington said that the Battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton .
3 It is perhaps significant to record that the capacity of Naseby was increased during the 1930's by raising the crest of the outlet weir by 2 feet .
4 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
5 THE MIRACLES surrounding the funeral procession of Hugh of Lincoln are taken from the Flores Historiarum , a thirteenth and fourteenth-century text originally credited to Matthew of Westminster ( it was actually written by the monks of St. Albans and Westminster ) , and from the Nova Legenda Angliae by John Capgrave ( 1393–1464 ) .
6 When the Duke of Wellington was confronted by the realities of the steam locomotive he responded : ‘ I see no reason to suppose that these machines will ever force themselves into general use . ’
7 Celtic 's Pat Bonner and Tommy Coyne of Tranmere are included in the Republic of Ireland squad for the World Cup qualifier against Northern Ireland on 31 March .
8 The town called Bazar in the heart of the-Ukraine was found on the fringes of thick forestland to the north of the Kiev to Zhitomir railway .
9 An orangery , a formal canal , a Gothick tower , one of Britain 's most fantastic grottoes , a Gothick garden house and a mock fortified bastion are all crammed into its limited acreage along with a statue of Hercules being toppled by the weight of his own club .
10 In the fourth century AD the statue of Hercules was removed to the new capital of the eastern Roman Empire , Constantinople , which became a museum of ancient art ( the snake column from Delphi may still be seen in the Hippodrome ) .
11 Bishops were ordered to ensure that prayers were said in every church for the success of the king 's expeditions to France , and news of the great victory of Crécy was proclaimed throughout the realm .
12 The decisive battle for control of Panama was fought at the building that houses military headquarters .
13 And now , 5 years on , the City of Hereford is stirring to the call of the cup .
14 Half the cases of NGU are caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis and another 20 per cent by infection with a mycoplasma called Ureaplasma urealyticum .
15 When conflict between Ken McFaul , a founder member of the DUP and an ex-mayor of Carrickfergus , and other DUP members reached the point of McFaul being expelled from the Party ( and simultaneously resigning ) , he also left the Free Presbyterian Church of which he had been an elder .
16 He describes how , in another ceremony , an image of Osiris was buried in the hollowed-out centre of a pine tree .
17 Their presence is explained in an appeal of 1548 to retain both churches : ‘ The town of Henley is severed from the Parish Church with a brook which in winter so riseth that none may pass over it without danger of perishing . ’
18 In the C2 event which followed , Andriev/Haralambie of Romania were disqualified for the same reason , the win going to Papke/Spelly of Germany .
19 Four microinjections of WGA-HRP were made in the left occipital operculum of two rhesus monkeys ( Macaca multatta ) to mark and surround the foveal and perifoveal representation , and the sectioned brains and flat-mounted retinae were processed to reveal the injection sites and the loci of labelled retinal ganglion cells that projected topographically to those sites ( Fig. 1 ) .
20 At the Dissolution of the Monasteries , the manor of Poulton was granted to the Pagets .
21 The walls of Caen were constructed in the years following Edward III 's capture of the town in 1346 ; those of Rouen were begun at the same time on the orders of Philip VI , making the city one of the few properly defended towns , or ‘ villes closes ’ of upper Normandy ; Avignon 's wall was started at the instigation of Pope Innocent VI about 1355 ; while the defences of Tours , in course of construction in 1356 , were probably sufficiently advanced to deter the Black Prince from attacking the town on his chevauchée in the summer of that year .
22 The object of this peripatetic programme from the point of view of Oxbridge was outlined by the Oxford Vice-Chancellor in 1887 :
23 Although the village of Villeneuve-Renneville is located on the plains beneath the Côte des Blancs , its vineyards are set back , and occupy the lower slopes of le Mesnil-sur-Oger .
24 The good wishes emanating from all parts of Anfield were echoed throughout the game as news that an apparently superfit former Scotland international was in hospital requiring major surgery .
25 It was here that the kings of Hungary were presented to the people .
26 Why should n't the women of Greenham be treated like the heroines fighting for freedom in Romania ? ’
27 Similarly , the name Republic of Kirghizia was proclaimed by the Kirghiz Supreme Soviet on Dec. 13 .
28 ‘ The iniquity of the Amorite ’ , wrote Austin Farrer , ‘ is at length full , and the progeny of Hoskyns is to return on the third decade to the Promised land . ’
29 The principal arguments for a policy of CPD were advanced in the Brett-Jones Report of 1978 and although none could be refuted in a responsible way , it was not until 1 January 1981 that Regulations were made by the General Council of the RICS to make compulsory , and to regulate , members ' Continuing Professional Development .
30 The counts of Foix , Armagnac and Comminges , the vicomtes of Béarn and the lords of Albret were differentiated from the mass of middling and petty nobles by their landed wealth and political power .
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