Example sentences of "of [pers pn] [be] [adj] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Remarkable that out of thirty people elected last May , fifteen of them are new to this Council , a staggering seventeen percent of the Council if you do it statistically .
2 The standardizing , regularizing , authoritative properties often assigned to print as a medium ( though many of them are inherent in any writing system ) could have full social effect only if they had this broad coherence with general developments in the social and labour processes , to which , however , print was not a mere ancillary , for it was one of the forms of such development .
3 It is possible to adjust the data for the high proportion of part-time workers , by assuming that two of them are equivalent to one full-time worker .
4 Most of them are available with turbocharged engines below the 2-litre tax break .
5 Many of them are unhappy about current proposals .
6 ‘ All of them are vulnerable to coastal erosion and are being nibbled away by the sea .
7 Adherents of all of them are active in current debate , and the story is one of proliferation .
8 Much of them are unreclaimed to this day , as in Dorset , Hampshire and Surrey .
9 Rumour has it that most of them are unhedged at these levels : they did not expect the currency to rise this far .
10 This , coupled with the fact that they are also relatively low paid , means that many of them are unattractive to many of the unemployed .
11 The three of them were involved in some game of the sexes in which she had no part .
12 Most of them were darkish-brown with fine features under mops of hair in which several had stuck an ostrich feather or a wooden comb .
13 Almost all of them were familiar with some online catalogue .
14 At the elementary level of existence , many of them were desperate for basic necessities .
15 Whitmore recorded 29 types of tree around such a village in Trengganu , noting that 12 of them were identical with wild forest trees , such as the rambutan ( Nephelium lappaceum , Sapindaceae ) and the sentul ( Sandoricum koetjape , Meliaceae ) , a further six appeared to be selected and improved forms of wild trees , five were cultigens like the betel nut , and three were exotics , like the papaya ( Carica papaya , a New World cultigen ) .
16 Most of them were wrong on this one Right .
17 Both of them were frightened before this even happened . ’
18 Even so , two years later not all of them were satisfied with open adoption .
19 The excitement in all of them was close to unbearable .
20 Ligand gated channels are erm specific to er excitable tissues , their found in synapses , neuromuscular junctions , and of they 're involved in intercellular communication with the communication being achieved by neurotransmitters .
21 An adequate , well-balanced diet is one of the most important factors in the maintenance of health in older people , and the lack of it is responsible for many preventable illnesses .
22 ‘ … So the current practice described in the manual may be ‘ good practice ’ by UK standards , but much of it is miserable by European standards .
23 Although this influence is too big a subject to be discussed here , one aspect of it is vital to any consideration of Britten 's operas .
24 There was as well , similar but a whole step in advance , the why-dun-it , the book which depends for its interest on showing that someone who could easily enough have committed a certain murder but who on the face of it was incapable of that particular crime ( i.e. one who had J. C. Masterman 's aces of spades , hearts and diamonds but apparently not clubs ) is nevertheless seen eventually to be psychologically capable of that crime after all , once probed deeply enough .
25 ‘ This world of ours is full of strange and wonderful people with strange and wonderful things to tell you .
26 Be sure , every one of us is involved with this issue , whether we like it or not , and WWF , are aiming at control and responsible administration of the world 's timber supplies by 1995 .
27 Most of us are happy in mixed company .
28 We may know these things on an intellectual level , but there 's nothing like having the emotional truth of them brought home on a gut level-none of us are free from some degree of the self-blame that makes so many women feel responsible for their own rape .
29 However , most of us are aware of some of our horse 's efforts to communicate , and if we reward these efforts by understanding , the horse will gradually increase its communication with us .
30 Some of us are puzzled by this phenomenon , because it seems incompatible with another idea we cherish , which is that people must not be blamed for acts over which they had no control , nor held responsible for unfair gains when they have gained nothing themselves .
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