Example sentences of "of [noun sg] that [pron] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 In essence we can say that the sentenced prison population is a function of the number of people received into prison and the average length of sentence that they actually serve ( sometimes known as effective sentence length : Fitzmaurice and Pease , 1992 : 575 ) .
2 It is to this private right of action that we now turn .
3 The completion of the Group 's work represents a considerable achievement , and it is on the basis of the Group 's advice on attainment targets and programmes of study that we now make jointly our formal proposals for key stages 2 to 4 in accordance with the provisions laid down in the Education Reform Act .
4 In framing the warranties , the acquirer and its solicitors should have regard to the level of disclosure that they actually want .
5 The kind of attention that we usually associate with love or hate , and at the same time an acute awareness of limits , of closed worlds , of helplessness , of traps of unsatisfiable longing — the sort of awareness that we associate rather with pity or fear .
6 Amid such vibrant colour , the daily sorties into the collapsing , crowded streets near the cemetery become a source of such pleasure that it is not without a degree of reluctance that we finally throw our burdens onto a lorry bound for Sorata .
7 While regrettable , this will enable us to maintain the collections and improve the level of service that we currently offer .
8 While this downswing will not be as sharp as the previous downturn ( in 1979-81 ) , not least given the very much lower level of inflation that we now have , a dull 1989 is bound to be followed by a difficult 1990 . ’
9 The work of Freud , for example , has so entered our habits of thought that we now label ‘ objective ’ various forms of behaviour which would formerly have been regarded as reactive .
10 It 's just one word of warning that we actually strengthen the application received to the future to make sure again .
11 Many of the other facts of life that we now take for granted in psychobiology , like the identity of neurotransmitter substances , the actual structure of the synapse , and the availability of reliable methods for tracing connections in the central nervous system have a similar short history .
12 To most of us , guitar strings are like teeth — a constant factor of life that you completely ignore until ( a ) they break or ( b ) they get so grungy and horrible that you simply have to do something about it .
13 Pasta has been eaten in Italy for centuries and there are records of the ancient Etruscans eating laganon , or sheets of pasta that we now call lasagne .
14 In terms of growth that we actually want erm unlike I think perhaps one of the we do n't want to put all our eggs into erm one one basket erm one million pounds in terms of er of course we want to do that the income of the budget which is actually feasible and practicable er in terms of of I take it that as where it says the Liberal Democrats are going from a growth of a hundred and fifty million erm on town centres that there probably was an error .
15 It seems probable that , to our ancestors , there was no clear boundary between fields of endeavour that we now consider to be quite separate — for example , astronomy and religion .
16 But I think this is the kind of thing that we really need .
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