Example sentences of "of [noun sg] of its [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 Unlike the IPR which has individual members , the Public Relations Consultants Association was formed in 1969 as a trade organization with the objective of promoting the growth of business of its members and that of public relations consultancy practices .
2 It must be stressed that although a natural condition can not give rise to liability under the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher it may still constitute a nuisance for which an occupier may be liable if he has knowledge or means of knowledge of its existence and if it is reasonable to require him to take the necessary steps to abate it .
3 Macedo 's line is that of Chico Mendes , for whom saving the rainforest went hand in hand with saving the way of life of its people and improving their lot .
4 Rather than measure degrees of public ( mis ) understanding against some yardstick of ‘ real ’ scientific knowledge , it recognises that science and technology have and implicate a variety of publics , who , in using science at work , in managing their personal lives , or as consumers , will have different kinds of contacts with science , different levels of understanding of its language and ideas , and different conceptions of science and technology which will be related to other aspects of their lives .
5 But , where the substantial or only ground for impeaching the instrument is misunderstanding or want of understanding of its contents or effect , the amount of reliance placed by the creditor upon the husband for the purpose of informing his wife of what she was about must be of great importance .
6 This is clear from a passage in Dixon J. 's judgment where he is dealing with the second class of case : ‘ But , where the substantial or only ground for impeaching the instrument is misunderstanding or want of understanding of its contents or effect , the amount of reliance placed by the creditor upon the husband for the purpose of informing his wife of what she was about must be of great importance . ’
7 The new constitution described the FRY as a " sovereign federal state based on the principle of equality of its citizens and its member republics " ; the republics had sovereignty over issues not within the competence of the FRY .
8 The duty of determining such questions is cast by law , not upon the courts after the event , but upon the police authorities at the time when the decision has to be taken ; and a court which attempted to review such a decision from the point of view of its wisdom or prudence would ( I think ) be exceeding its proper functions .
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