Example sentences of "of [noun sg] and [pron] [adv] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 British Telecom produced evidence which differed from that of the Ministry of Defence and which clearly highlighted the fundamental conflict of views which can occur in such a merger .
2 He claimed to have been consulted by more than one European government about his knowledge of espionage and he certainly made the most of his sense of melodrama , during his later years always carrying a revolver .
3 of course and they always wanted
4 Aye well this man that I ke know he had quite a lot of money and he just gave a six pence to the kirk , and he had always plenty of money when he died .
5 She never dropped out of University and she always worked ( when no-one was looking ) , but she never really felt a part of the University itself , so much as a part of Bristol the city .
6 A sharp word of command and they immediately sat down and waited as their mistress opened the car door .
7 when I first came out of college and I really appreciated it
8 Bede says that he was in exile for the purposes of study and he subsequently described him as a most learned man ( HE V , 12 ) .
9 This doctrine of ‘ last things ’ was the first systematized eschatology in the history of religion and it profoundly influenced Judaism , Christianity , and Islam .
10 Bigwig and Buckthorn smelt of blood and everyone else knew they did .
11 The lengthy , complicated and interesting case of Richard of Anstey ( of some two generations before Innocent III 's time ) shows how it was already accepted that the Crown could have no jurisdiction over the solemn sacrament of marriage , though at this stage the canon law of marriage and what actually constituted a legal marriage was extremely fluid .
12 I suppose it was the predecessor of the modern telex , but it was an unreliable piece of equipment and we never knew when it was going to misbehave and we might have to send for the mechanic to come and unclog its innards .
13 It was built of wood and it fairly shook during some of the more energetic dances , like the Lancers .
14 Almost every day there were downpours of rain and it often poured throughout the night , making the ground so slippery that the camels found it difficult to keep on their feet .
15 It was only four months of relaxation and I really needed that .
16 I did fucking , I did five years of normal paperwork and plus for the last three years I did double as well cos I got kicked out of french , so I was in metal work like , four hours of metal work every week the last three three years and , cos I was like nine times out of ten I was the only bloke there , the er , the er metal work teacher got on really well , he was showing me all sorts of stuff and I never got to do the actual metal work lesson
17 It was in Burma that he caught some sort of fever and he never got over it ; he came home on leave and never went back . ’
18 But they won a fair fight and they took a tremendous lot of trouble and they really did a very good campaign , there 's no question about that at all .
19 But , for the children there was a lot of sadness and they desperately wanted , as I think all , most children of divorced do , to keep in touch with both parents and right from the beginning of a separation .
20 The furnaces were far from economical in their use of charcoal and it soon became necessary to replace the heavy drain on established woodlands with the careful use of coppiced underwood .
21 They offended his sense of emollience and he also realized that , if submitted and published , their clamant discourtesy would almost certainly have the effect of swinging opinion towards the King .
22 At no other time has he had hallucinations of sight and they entirely disappeared after sleeping .
23 When the jet came up from nowhere it left a space devoid of air and we just dropped into it . ’
24 In Wyatt v Kreglinger and Fernau [ 1933 ] 1 KB 793 the restraint was contained in a letter dealing with the plaintiff 's retirement rather than in his contract of employment and it effectively said that the defendants would pay him a pension if he refrained from working in the wool trade .
25 The judges usually used the church of one of their number for the place of hearing and they often chose places that were towns or centres .
26 what would you like from the catalogue sort of thing and I only had this catalogue to Cos I pa you know I paid for it what di did they have ?
27 It was my first experience of flying and I soon came to like the journeys , usually from Aberdeen to Norwich for me , in the low flying Fokker Friendships of Air Anglia , later to become Air UK .
28 you know had some of that and erm my fried breakfast and my toast and my cup of coffee and I thoroughly enjoyed that , set me up for the day that did .
29 I do n't know whether , whether it sort of erm rang any bells with you but normally if you 're in a house people do n't offer you dri they usually say would you like a cup of tea or a cup of coffee and I just wondered , perhaps it 's my suspicious nature , whether this guy 's got a drink problem
30 Breakfast was a cup of coffee and I then went off to keep my appointment with Mrs Long .
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