Example sentences of "of [noun sg] and [pron] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It brought me a lot of luck and I hope it brings her just as much . ’
2 I said , of course and I said it would be nice company and so she said er you sit near the window , I 've seen it lots of times before , as I only live in Manchester .
3 ‘ It was very hard work for that sort of money and I consider it an insult , ’ Austin said of the earlier award .
4 He was the goalkeeper for Manchester United and I joked later that I threw him the bag of money and he dropped it !
5 He earned a lot of money and he save it , he then bought a British car .
6 When one goes , it 's quite a lot of money and you feel it .
7 Selecting the right sized Disc , we took a pan of milk and we allowed it to heat to the point where it was about to boil over .
8 I also think it 's a question of being able to provide , certainly at the top of a company , a sense of direction and I find it hard to see how you can have an absolutely clear sense of direction unless you yourself are able to assess the essentials as you see them for success in your particular trade .
9 And then that other was a member of parliament and I knew it 's erm I knew he , I think it was erm oh I can see him stood up there .
10 Seriously , it takes only moments to wind a huge ball of wool and it rewinds it perfectly .
11 Once you get out of car and I thought it was a dog that she had , bu did n't have , she did n't have a dachshund he had a little
12 Mrs Reid 's religion was the love of humanity and she found it hard that the first women 's college should win so very little understanding or support at its outset , especially from men .
13 As I knit the swatch , a ladder is created where the needles are out of work and I find it very easy to measure between the two ladders with my green ruler when the swatch is completed .
14 And he pulls out another container of peace and he gives it to somebody else , that is n't how it happens .
15 bottle of wine and I drunk it you see , watching the match , and Jim done the dinner I said fuck it I 'm having my dinner in here cos , did n't it go into extra time ?
16 ‘ There 's a world of difference and you know it ! ’
17 The guy who owns it was shouting all kinds of stuff and he let it slip .
18 I am not a very social sort of person and I find it difficult to have strangers in my home . ’
19 You get your lump of metal and you stretch it you sort of pull it through a die , through a tiny hole and you just st stretch it .
20 Fred Titmus bowled the right sort of ball and I smashed it in the direction of the pavilion .
21 ‘ It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed it , ’ said Jon of Kilton , Notts .
22 I get a bucketful of water and I heat it on this little stove and I strip and wash myself all over . ’
23 ‘ I took a bowl of water and I gave it hirin , as if it was my father , or my brother , ’ said Kalchu .
24 But what is really relevant is to state that against Ireland they played absolutely the right sort of game and they played it with utter conviction and quite brilliant execution .
25 I 'll have to wallpaper your bathroom , then paint it , I then have to touch up the door cos it 's that kind of paint and I had it like , on the top of the loo , I was doing it up a bit , and the next thing I saw was Felix coming onto the back of the wind ah
26 ‘ That was my first experience of Genesis and I loved it !
27 erm debt was something debt is a major cause of homelessness and I think it will be increasingly so , especially as folk find it very hard to either pay their rents or mortgages .
28 Boullee demonstrated one aspect of vision and I mention it because it is so clear and so obvious .
29 He wanted to see a mixed economy of care and he considered it essential that the social services authorities should see themselves as the arrangers and purchasers of care services , not as monopolistic providers .
30 And the thing about Fingers was always black now with holding on to the thingummy and then putting in drifts , and hammering , your fingers was get er drift was always on a in a a pan a wee pan with oil in it , drift was always full of oil and you stuck it in the hole .
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