Example sentences of "of [noun sg] be part [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The publication of UPDATE is part of the information dissemination strategy and a number of SCOTVEC staff have spoken to groups of college staff about the ACDP .
2 As such , its loss of support was part of the continuing legacy of the Fitzgerald inquiry into corruption within the Queensland government , where the Nationals had been in power for 30 years until defeated in 1989 .
3 ‘ In the 19th century , a series of cases forced upon the Commons and courts a comprehensive review of the issues which divided them , from which it became clear that some of the earlier claims to jurisdiction made in the name of privilege by the House of Commons were untenable in a court of law : that the law of Parliament was part of the general law , that its principles were not beyond the judicial knowledge of the judges , and that it was the duty of the common law to define its limits could no longer be disputed .
4 Whether accompanied by a light meal of sandwiches and cake served in a cosy sitting room in front of a fire , or somewhere as elegant as the Ritz , a cup of tea is part of the English way of life and the tea ceremonies of all the Orient are equally famed .
5 To start at the very beginning , as Pamela Hine did , the game or sport of halma was part of the ancient Greek pentathlon .
6 So far as society is concerned , the middle class culture of work is part of the mainstream social culture ; the working class culture of work is subordinate in terms of social power .
7 Movements in the basic rate of tax are part of the campaigning rhetoric of general elections .
8 In a common law country , the preparation of a case for trial is the private responsibility of the parties , and so the taking of evidence , without compulsion , by a consul or a commissioner does not necessarily offend such a country 's concept of judicial sovereignty ; but the position may be very different where , as in many civil law countries the obtaining of evidence is part of the judicial function , and official permission is be required before the evidence can be taken privately .
9 In cases like the " difficult customer " , where the persona created is clearly not that of the narrator , it is easy to see how the change of code is part of the construction of a " character " separate from the speaker .
10 The process of stereotyping is part of the way in which we simplify the world .
11 It is possible that a figure of the King was once part of the scene , and that his heroic intervention in the face of disaster was part of the cult iconography .
12 Given the way that research is structured , where for instance research students in the sciences and social sciences are often engaged to assist staff in large-scale research projects , research students as a matter of fact are part of the total research enterprise of the academic community .
13 But a deep-seated distrust of power was part of the tradition that taught that ‘ my Kingdom is not of this world , ’ and that states are usually just ‘ great robber bands , ’ since they lack justice .
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