Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb mod] be [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 [ They ] have not learned that the stronghold of literature should be in the upper classes of society , while the stronghold of science should be in the nation 's middle class .
2 I do not feel that any harm will come to those people who experience spontaneous regression in such a way , as any group involved in the higher levels of meditation should be under the control of a qualified and experienced teacher or leader who will be on hand to control the situation and to help should the pupil find himself in emotional difficulty .
3 The very limited space between vertical fuel surfaces , little over one metre , severely limits the trajectory of the fire fighting jets and the majority of stock may be at a height beyond their effective throw .
4 They yearned for a society where the surplus product of labour would be at the disposal not of idle capitalists or degenerate gentry but of expert administrators .
5 A final one-day visit by a ‘ core group ’ of members approved the scheme indefinitely and agreed that the future pattern of review would be on the basis of a rolling cycle established by the Polytechnic .
6 What a strange freak of human history it is that the Declaration of Independence should be among the lineal ancestors of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights !
7 But to be forever in child-bed , surrounded by countless sons and daughters , many of them ill ; to run a self-supporting household with endless heavy domestic chores ; to be victim to a view that a woman 's one means of self-fulfilment must be through the home — all that adds up to a state of affairs not to be envied .
8 As noted above , there is some indication of the development of a rebuttable presumption that all questions of law should be for the ordinary courts .
9 Yet , the very thesis that all questions of law should be for the ordinary courts itself fashions the result that the court believes to be correct .
10 Given that macro-decisions inherently and inevitably condition micro-decisions , the principal focus of attention must be on the political decision-maker .
11 The purpose is clearly to determine whether any other forms of intervention would be in the child 's best interests .
12 The question of reasonableness would be for the court to decide .
13 It had been submitted that such recapture was confined to cases of ‘ hot pursuit ’ and that this criterion was not satisfied in the present case ; but in cases involving mental patients the manner of pursuit must be for the discretion of those undertaking it and ‘ hot ’ pursuit might be inappropriate .
14 Brian Cowie said : ‘ It was the Ipswich branch of CAMRA which mounted a publicity campaign to save the brewery and so it seemed appropriate that the launch of Pride should be at the festival . ’
15 MOUTHFULS of metal may be on the way out .
16 The use of restraint must be within a narrow context and affecting only a very small number of residents , he said .
17 Editor , — D J M Reynolds and J K Aronson indicate in their article on monitoring treatment with theophylline that , to achieve an optimum effect in the absence of complicating factors , plasma concentrations of theophylline must be in the range of 55–110 µmol/l .
18 Letters of Request must be in the language of the authority requested to execute it ( or be accompanied by a translation into that language ) ; or in English or French , unless a party has made a reservation under Article 33 excluding the use of English or French ; or in another language which a Contracting State has declared its readiness to accept .
19 The quality and breadth of learning can be of a very high order and entirely relevant to the needs of young people in modern society .
20 Today the firm offers connectivity products supporting Santa Cruz Operation Unix , Unix 5.1 , and IBM 's AIX — Craine says Sun Microsystems , Hewlett-Packard and DEC flavours of Unix might be on the agenda sometime in the future , though nothing is imminent .
21 Once again the period of hypnosis itself will take only about twenty minutes , after which we will decide what the best form of homework would be in the particular circumstances .
22 A key feature of the proposals in the consultation document is , once again , that the main focus of policy would be on the economic effects of market structure and conduct , and not on general public interest considerations .
23 The Minister of State will be under no time constraint this evening , and she will have plenty of time to tell us precisely what she will do about this serious subject .
24 [ They ] have not learned that the stronghold of literature should be in the upper classes of society , while the stronghold of science should be in the nation 's middle class .
25 The lowest level of growth will be in the household and small consumer sector .
26 The sores that it produces are usually found on the external surface of the penis in the male , but rarely the site of infection may be inside the urethra , and in these cases recurrent ‘ non-specific urethritis ’ may occur , which is particularly resistant to treatment .
27 With the right sort of software package a world of information can be at the fingertips of the G M B activists involved .
28 This takes us into the nebulous area of psychological assessment , but it is also the case that the supply of information must be of the right type and in the right form to enable human beings to respond and act correctly , especially the air traffic controllers and the flight crew .
29 Even experienced mountain walkers take to them with varying degrees of enthusiasm — so you should consider if that sort of thing will be to the taste of everyone in your group .
30 The burden of proof should be upon the employer to demonstrate undue hardship .
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