Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb base] [noun pl] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Periods of change produce changes in those professions which reflect them ; it is the medium that does not change with its audience that is likely to suffer .
2 The Labour party is not trusted on tax matters , and that is small wonder when its Members of Parliament say things like that .
3 Nor did his pervasive conservatism of mind repel radicals in any altogether reliable way .
4 Although strenuous versions of individualism have answers to all three points , one sees their force .
5 Consistent with this view , Hécaen , De Agostini and Monzon-Montes ( 1981 ) recently reported that disorders of language follow lesions of either hemisphere more often among left handers with at least one sinistral relative .
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