Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [coord] [vb base] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Teachers also received a great deal of support and help from both popular organizations and from communities to ease their situation .
2 Attempts by Latin American Communists to implement the ultra-leftism and isolationism of the ’ Third period' ( tactics which had been formulated to respond to the very different political conditions prevailing in Europe ) resulted in considerable loss of support and influence for many of these parties .
3 the primary sources of support and care for elderly people are informal and voluntary .
4 a pattern of change and influence in considerable contrast to the more widely held image of the Georgian squire as a wine-swilling glutton intent largely on the pleasures of the chase .
5 At the corner of Walbrook the rakers were out , their great wooden rods moving piles of slush and refuse into high , stinking heaps .
6 The fixative is 4% paraformaldehyde in 0.1 M sucrose ; heat to 60–80C with six drops of NaOH and stir till clear .
7 In the new world order , it may well be that nationalism functions as the opposition to that order , the main source of resistance and challenge to large and more or less integrated blocks of power .
8 For the reformers ' vision of a fully-developed hierarchy , each man with his own sphere of competence , all subject to canon law and all beneath the discipline of the papal rod , evoked a mixture of admiration and envy in those laymen , accustomed to deference , whose position in the ecclesiastical scheme was lower than they would have wished .
9 Germany then rapidly emerged as the greatest industrial and military power in Europe , an object of fear and envy to other states .
10 The pickup is a bridge-mounted active piezo type , controlled by a 3-band EQ , with treble , mid and bass sliders providing a considerable amount of cut or boost to each frequency .
11 On day 1 , after a light breakfast of tea and toast at 0700 h , one capsule of 5 8 Co vitamin B12 ( Amersham International ) containing 30 kBQ 5 8 Co was swallowed with 30 ml water at 0900 h .
12 The central idea of long-wave theories is that advanced capitalist economies go through a regular cycle of boom and slump with each trough or peak occurring approximately fifty years apart .
13 A more gender-balanced communication requires that there be a process of redefinition and change in all areas of human activity .
14 A more widespread and less blatant kind of sound-symbolism is discussed by the many style studies that see , for instance , suggestions of gloom or obscurity in the ‘ dark ’ vowels o and u , feelings of speed or haste in certain rhythms , and so forth .
15 We consider the rationale and the manner of the legal profession 's projection of an image of altruism and focus upon one legal service , the duty solicitor scheme , which was set up ostensibly to serve the community .
16 The conditions which can be imposed by the LA to reflect environmental considerations are limited to the means of entry and exit for authorized vehicles , times for vehicular access , parking arrangements for vehicles , and the number , type and size of authorized vehicles parked or being maintained at the operating centre .
17 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
18 If a right of action be denied to the child it will be compelled , without any fault on its part , to go through life carrying the seal of another 's fault and bearing a very heavy burden of infirmity and inconvenience without any compensation therefor .
19 We know something numerically about different systems , but we know little about them experientially , we know little about what it feels like , what the impact is upon individuals in the two different systems , and I really wanted to swing to the other type of research and look in more detail at how different pupils would respond to the streamed situation , not simply in terms of their performance measured in tests , but in terms of their attitudes to school , their attitudes to their life outside of school , their involvement in erm sub-cultural groups or in youth clubs , this kind of thing .
20 We know something numerically about different systems , but we know little about them experientially , we know little about what it feels like , what the impact is upon individuals in the two different systems , and I really wanted to swing to the other type of research and look in more detail at how different pupils would respond to the stream situation , not simply in terms of their performance measured in tests , but in terms of their attitudes to school , their attitudes to their life outside of school , their involvement in sub-cultural groups or in youth clubs , this kind of thing .
21 It was a moment or two before she was able to control the wild surge of emotion and say with commendable aplomb , ‘ Good morning , Signor Lorenzo .
22 Take the first piece of fabric and fold in half , selvedge to selvedge .
23 I went to bed utterly content ; ahead of me were weeks of hunting and travel in remote mountains , and later the excitement of exploring the Danakil desert .
24 Experts could seek to exclude the implied duty of skill and care in individual references , but it is not attractive .
25 The school gave her a point of reference and contact with other mothers .
26 Similarly , it is not blackmail where the accused extorts a position of honour or release from lawful custody .
27 This is a technique designed to teach the patient how to follow a movement , adapt to a change of posture and cope with different situations without producing spasticity through making too much effort .
28 So I sat in bed with a slice of bread and jam in one hand and a watch in the other , trying to time the pains .
29 Sometime in the future belugas will return to a clean St Lawrence River , either naturally or by a programme of capture and release from other wild populations .
30 Both theories entail a shift of attention away from considerations of origin or cause to those of function or effect ; neither is as much interested in the ways in which language reflects reality , as in the ways in which it shapes our perception of things ; both attach central importance to the concepts of system and difference .
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