Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Shop steward 's chairman who was one of a delegation of six who later had a meeting with Minister for Energy Tim Eggar , said : ‘ We were encouraged by the promises of support we got from the MPs and the Minister has said he will look at the pension scheme position . ’
2 Schools were asked to indicate the kind of support they requested from the various agencies .
3 It is becoming less popular now because of the lack of support it gives to the lower back , although it does give more buoyancy than other types .
4 In the US , this is provided by the usual media assumption that the Libyans are guilty — thus providing the Bush administration with the kind of support it needs in a desperate election campaign .
5 We could start by complaining that this argument , as an inductive argument , is very weak , since of necessity it argues from a single instance .
6 At last he raised his head , and with a feeling of dread she searched for the triumph she was sure she must see now in his eyes .
7 Maybe I lacked confidence — I did n't consider I possessed the degree of presence you need as the vital link-man .
8 This was very lucky and one of the two strokes of luck we had on the whole job .
9 Strategically , the Marne is important for the last line of defence it presents before the Seine .
10 The reason for this is that if you put the female pupae in the tube before they hatch to the adult stage , you will ensure that females mate only with the type of male you put in the tube .
11 Being a man of faith he believed in the truth , so he had no delusions about his feelings for Sarah .
12 Yeah , but of course they went to the right
13 No I think the young fellows today are more because of course they go into the flats do n't they ?
14 There was little room for lesbians to be out in the first half of this century , unless of course they moved in the right literary or aristocratic circles .
15 Of course they work on a Saturday .
16 Of course we went to a little market and naturally we bought a couple of plaited strings of garlic which will go mouldy before we 've finished them .
17 Against this interpretation lies the evidence that we can and do say , when appropriate , things like ‘ Of course he consented to the operation , but that does not entitle you to perform it since he is just a child ’ ( or he did not know how dangerous it is ) .
18 Grandfather 's wage was the magnificent sum of twelve shillings per week and of course he lived in a tied cottage .
19 And also of course he goes on the building sites he 's still wearing a suit .
20 Of course he belongs to the class which dedicates itself from the beginning , single-mindedly to literature , but yet not in the way we would think of .
21 I 'm very grateful to the minister for being brief though of course he passed on no information of any worth .
22 And of course there was a thing we w a lot of the work in the mills was in or Selkirk and of course you went to the early train in the morning , there was a train from Galashiels to and it was full of workers going to the mills in and of course if you going er to work in a mill there , your , your foreman would come , you would draw the tools , at the , the night before you went to the job , you would take them there to the train in the morning , and meet the foreman and you would go to do the job and the same to Selkirk .
23 were doing this programme in the United States that 'll be , but then of course you living in the States you 'll probably all have guns
24 We do n't grill up here , they look after that in the basement as you 'll probably soon discover , unless of course you go to the lower basement .
25 yeah old galley stove , galley oven just like the old fashioned oven it was , so you had your full hearth and used to bake in the oven and of course you cook on the top , and you had about five different rings cos the fire is to put the damper in the chimney to make the heat go round the oven .
26 Right well it may be of course you see on the other hand the accountancy takes three years .
27 And then every year after that , they used to hold the one minute 's silence which the mill whistles went and of course you stood for a minute and then they went again and that was it over .
28 And of course you do about a yard and then you 're stuck .
29 As a general rule ten years is long enough , but of course it depends on the individual and it depends on the company too .
30 Erm it perhaps does n't strike us as being very revolutionary but of course it depends from the context that you 're in erm to perhaps some of the absolute rulers of er of er perhaps , this was revolutionary .
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