Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [that] [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 And erm the effect though of holding beach material on one part of the beach is of course that it starves the area which is along the Sussex Channel coast to the east of beach material that it would formerly have received .
2 The lucky recipient of an Indian cadetship had at least the prospect of returning home as a wealthy senior officer , assuming of course that he survived the very real hazards of life in the East .
3 I have no doubt that the hon. Member for Wigan ( Mr. Stott ) will oppose our present privatisation proposal with the same degree of enthusiasm that he opposed the privatisation proposals introduced on Monday .
4 But it is in their generalized role as the preventers and headers-off of criminality that they give the greatest value to schools as well as to young people and their families .
5 And it was in this frame of mind that I undertook the journey to visit a witchdoctor who reputedly had the ability to establish contact between a person and their ancestors .
6 It is to facilitate the translation of the dramas of sub-conversation and activity below the surface of consciousness that she abandons the conventions of linear narrative , normal chronology , plot and characterization .
7 It is in one such hall of study that he encounters the TA Commissioning course , which is examining the art of patrolling .
8 I never intended to imply that I would be the first artist to employ hanging cloth ( my use of Walter Benjamin necessitated for this kind of work that I block the aura of the collection and re-route it toward another kind of signification , as well as reference a museum 's depot ) but I am confident that anyone who has visited my installation comes away knowing what my contribution is .
9 Technically it can not , physically it can not , because we have such erm large programmes of development that you need the manpower , you need the muscle , and the majority of them have left now and that 'll be a new dilemma for Kuwait and it 's rebuilding operation to bring back people to help develop with it 's own Kuwaiti
10 A man who tempered sentiment with business sense , it was said of Guillaume that he revealed the price of a painting with the same air of awed reverence that he mentioned a woman 's age .
11 It is through common sense , fair dealing and strength of will that he dominates the men he now has to command , first for days in an open boat with scant food and water and then in the Bird of Dawning , a rival grain-clipper found deserted and drifting and brought once more into the final and victorious stages of the race .
12 The lily grew so fast that each day it filled twice the amount of space that it did the day before .
13 Nevertheless it was with a great sense of relief that she found the patio deserted save for a handful of hotel guests drinking beer and enjoying the late afternoon sunshine .
14 And he exited so violently down the throat of Hell that he ripped the tongue and set the snout bobbing as if Hell were about to sneeze .
15 From afar it looks like the classical volcanic cone and it is with a mounting sense of excitement that I climb the last section of loose lava gravel and sharp , welded lava rock .
16 It is of interest that he notes the reader may be ‘ startled ’ by this last assertion .
17 King William appointed John Dalrymple as his representative and adviser in Scotland with the post of Secretary for Scotland and it was from that position of power that he influenced the machinations that led to the massacre in Glencoe .
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