Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It is arguable that the Swedish policy of support for parents in the labour force , as well as similar measures in Eastern Europe , have put a brake on fertility decline and perhaps reversed it .
2 THE Foyle Civic Trust has sent a message of support to members of the Armagh Civic Trust after the town centre bomb attack destroyed historic buildings .
3 How have patterns of support between members of the same kin group changed in Britain over time , and especially over the past two centuries ?
4 ( A similar spread of support among states in the United States presidential elections may result in a president obtaining a majority in the electoral college without obtaining a majority of the popular vote . )
5 Nevertheless , until the end of his life Muldoon continued to command a significant degree of support among interventionists within the parliamentary caucus of the National Party , a factor which consistently served to undermine his leadership successors .
6 She was involved in the London Women 's Film Group and the setting up of Cinema of Women in the late seventies ; then there was a sense of a political project , opportunities for women to meet and discuss ideas and motivations .
7 Given the lack of expertise amongst members of the Senior Management Team in the teaching of Art , he regretted that it was not possible to involve the LEA Art Inspector in the review .
8 The rest was a lot of fill-up about memories of the ‘ 30 's and other tired yellow-sheet tricks .
9 This can be illustrated by the early examples of protection for individuals in the special treaty provisions for minorities ; the inclusion of human rights in Article 1 of the United Nations Charter in the context of the maintenance of international peace and security ; and by the paucity of international mechanisms for the enforcement of those rights and freedoms .
10 While there is sufficient evidence of protection of prisoners within the prison system itself , questions must be raised about the use of pre-trial detention .
11 Parliament created a limited form of protection from builders with the Defective Premises Act 1972 .
12 Firstly , the forum for exchange of info on acoustics in the '60s and '70s was the folk clubs .
13 It concluded that " the impact of racism by Australians on the aboriginal people in this nation is not just horrific , but genocidal and must be addressed " .
14 The regulations also give details of how the historic rights of inspection of accounts by the public , should be administered .
15 A possible ( relatively ) benign explanation might be presented for GPs ' failure to pursue a non compulsory route : that women , whose conventional role involves running the home and family , would be less willing to go into hospital precisely because of their feelings of responsibility for others in the home .
16 He said the issuing of IRA admissions of responsibility for atrocities like the Warrington and City of London bombs from the Southern capital was shaming Ireland throughout the world .
17 Prompt action by firemen prevented thousands of pounds of damage to computers in the part of the office used by staff of The Northern Junior Sports magazine .
18 The method of election of members to the Special Reserved Seats has been changed .
19 Human beings are seen as constructing their actions in a process of interaction with others via the use of symbols , such as language — hence ‘ symbolic interactionism ’ .
20 But , as with those who emphasize the tutoring role of the adult input in initial language learning , both these authors emphasize the influence of the environment on the repertoire of linguistic resources that the child masters as a result of interaction with members of the family circle .
21 The ordinary practitioner will not need to dig any deeper than this — apart , of course from references to the statutes and law reports .
22 We had wanted two contrasting areas ( more than two would have been preferable of course in terms of the extent to which one could generalise from our findings but the projects would become expensive and it was acknowledged that we could not include more than two ) , and Ipswich and Newham were felt to fill this requirement .
23 [ Archives at Kedleston ; T. H. Taunton , Portraits of Celebrated Racehorses , vol. i , 1887 ; L. Harris , ‘ The Picture Collection at Kedleston Hall ’ , Connoisseur , July 1978 ; L. Harris , Robert Adam and Kedleston , 1987 ; J. C. Sainty , ‘ Origin of Chairman of Committees in the House of Lords ’ , House of Lords Record Office Memorandum , no. 52 , 1974 . ]
24 Added to this , there are several areas where the level of resistance to antibiotics among the gonococci makes it extremely difficult to treat .
25 The branch secretary , Kathleen McAlorum , a Motherwell district councillor , said that an emergency meeting of the branch executive had been called last Sunday after complaints and threats of resignation from members over the deal for representation on the European committee of the regions .
26 But the voluntary assumption by the creditor of the röle of adviser may impose on the creditor a duty to give proper and adequate advice with the risk of liability in damages in the event of a breach .
27 These widely differing national responses suggest that we should be wary of any attempt to explain the popularity of evolutionism in terms of the self-evident superiority of Darwin 's explanatory programme .
28 A study of a bakery in south-east England uncovered a highly organised system of stealing from work and of fiddling of customers by the bread salesmen ( Ditton , 1977 ) .
29 For instance , there had been a trend , in the early 1970s , towards a more equal distribution of income between regions of the UK , but this was reversed under the Conservative government after 1979 , when the share of national income received by south-east England increased in connection with the location of wealthier groups .
30 Mr Cunningham had asked Mr Lamont to ‘ extend taxation of income to members of the Royal Family who are currently excluded . ’
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