Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [noun sg] [conj] in " in BNC.

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1 The relative lack of progress on START and in particular the multilateral CFE negotiations ( being conducted in Vienna within the framework of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe , CSCE — see p. 37335 ) since the Malta summit were widely attributed to Soviet concern over the pace and implications of German unification , and whether a unified Germany could be allowed to be a member of NATO .
2 ‘ The less-favoured farming areas shall include mountain areas , in which farming is necessary to protect the countryside , particularly for reasons of protection against erosion or in order to meet leisure needs ; they shall also include other areas where the maintenance of a minimum population or the conservation of the countryside are not assured . ’
3 But since people only receive money at intervals ( e.g. weekly or monthly ) and not continuously , they require to hold balances of money in cash or in sight accounts .
4 Explaining one of the sections of their manifesto in the preface to the exhibition at Bernheim 's , the Futurists , now aware of Cubist painting , talked for the first time of ‘ battles of planes ’ ; and Boccioni summarizes most concisely the debt of Futurism to Cubism when in Pittura Scultura Futuriste , published in 1914 , he wrote under the heading ‘ Compenetrazione dei Piani ’ : ‘ It is the pictorial method of rendering movement in a painting , making the surrounding objects fuse with the structure of the object placed in their midst ’ .
5 However , the question in the way it is posed by educators usually calls for an answer in terms of commitment rather than of attitude in school or in society and the implementation has begun by the time the thought of research arises .
6 There will be sources of error in participant-observation and in face-to-face interviews , but they are complementary ; by combining both methods , we can estimate the degree and direction of error in our final statement of the rules of the vernacular .
7 Thus , Stair , II i. 5 : ‘ The vast ocean is common to all mankind as to navigation and fishing , which are the only uses thereof , because it is not capable of bounds ; but when the sea is inclosed in bays , creeks , or otherwise is capable of any bounds or meiths as within the points of such lands , or within the view of such shores , then it may become proper , but with the reservation of passage for commerce as in the land . ’
8 However , working women generally were by no means in favour of the double burden of work at home and in the factory and Mary MacArthur may well have spoken for a majority when she said : ‘ We are all familiar with the old ideal that women 's place is in the home , and I am sufficiently old fashioned to agree that there is something to be said for it ’ .
9 We did a great deal of work with music and in listening to sounds and in rhythms , and then a lot of work in which I actually read to him and he followed all the time what I was reading , so that he would try to link the sounds and the words together .
10 The third decisive orientation is the widespread insistence upon the primacy of Scripture in theory and in practice .
11 It is interesting to observe the behaviour of individuals when given a choice of conducting a piece of business in person or in writing .
12 In recognition of a lifetime of service to sailing and in particular distinguished service of the national sport through Weymouth Olympic Week and various world championships the R Y A Award is presented to him , Ma'am , Major Tom .
13 Age , education , ideology , even strength of partisanship , had little influence on perceptions of bias on television or in the press .
14 If one took that as a parameter , and applied that to the existing settlement pattern , there is indeed a high degree of risk of coalescence if in fact a new settlement were of a significant significantly larger than fourteen hundred dwellings .
15 Berg alleged breach of duty in contract and in tort owed to it by its auditors as a result of which Berg had , so it was alleged , lost about £13m .
16 ( 4 ) Branchial openings arranged in a slanting line ( suggesting a separation of pharynx from oesophagus as in modern lampreys ) .
17 The Lord Chancellor said the bill was entirely one of principle : abolition of imprisonment for debt except in cases of fraud , no more distinction between traders and non-traders , debtors able to liquidate their liabilities by private arrangement or by a public enquiry in the Insolvent Court .
18 ‘ It 's lack of discipline at school and in the home .
19 In fact , the ultimate source of value in literature as in society was moral authority .
20 Although there can be no clear-cut division between the use of language in literature and in everyday life ( and it would not be fruitful to attempt to make such a division ) , we can recognise that some of the most arresting , innovative and enriching uses of language come from the poets , novelists and dramatists who practise the craft of writing .
21 And though we know also that in early periods , and especially and persistently in certain forms — drama , dance , choral song — production was not even in this manifest sense individual but was necessarily of a group kind , still the emphasis on ‘ the producer ’ , ‘ the author ’ , remains predominant , because it corresponds quite directly to the manifest conditions of production in writing and in print , and to certain oral forms which directly preceded them .
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