Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Patricia Whitaker-Dowling , David Wilcox , Christopher Widnell and Julius Youngner at Pittsburgh University have shown that interferon can prevent viruses from getting inside animal cells , and they believe that this might be the first line of defence set up by the interferon system in response to viral attack ( Proceedings of the U.S .
2 So they risked all , and late one night when she heard a low whistle she rose from her straw pallet in the lower scullery and crept out of the house ; and when Tristram had climbed over the wall , she gave herself to him there on the midnight grass with the summer moon blazing down through the trees and the scent of honey wafting up from the silent hives .
3 The French were delighted with the brave show of resistance put up at the disastrous GATT talks in December 1990 .
4 The Town Clerk wrote the letter of acceptance on 8th June , and a Scheme of Administration drawn up by the Charity Commissioners , now involved because of the change in status of the School , was ratified at Stockport County Court on 20th January 1860 .
5 A Plan of Action drawn up for the conference was estimated to cost between US$4,000 million and $6,000 million .
6 The flies crawled upon it and here and there the sharp points of gravel pressed up through the flesh .
7 An orange ball of flame ripped up into the sky , bathing the deck in light like a miniature sun .
8 In the river-bed , islands of rock stuck up above the imaginary water level .
9 But what one chiefly saw was a landscape patterned by the long lines of vine running up to the wooded hilltops , a supremely domesticated landscape .
10 As soon as the flow becomes established , in fact , piles of solid lumps of lava build up at the sides of the flow , and help to confine it to its course .
11 The food , and the mud on our wellingtons , and sometimes the faint tang of cordite coming up from the cellar all give me a good , tight , thrilling feel when I think about them .
12 On a chair in the scullery in his cardigan and his cap and his bad leg stuck out to one side , and his tins of paint on newspapers all around , and a big panel of wood propped up against the wall with a picture on it of a battleship in a stormy sea .
13 This being the case , we only indicate the means of production and means of consumption used up for the production of the means of destruction .
14 The sports were in fact more of a backcloth than the central event ; the real purpose of the day was for the parents to prowl around the school inspecting the various displays of work set up in the classrooms , and compare the achievement of their offspring with that of others .
15 Huge backlogs of work built up in the securities dealers ' back offices as deals could not be completed within the exchange 's usual accounts periods .
16 A shout of laughter goes up from the room .
17 Howls of laughter went up from the other boys .
18 There did n't seem to be anything interesting there , but I remembered the lesson of the day before , when I had stopped to sniff the air and everything had seemed fine , then ten minutes later I was wrestling with a kamikaze rabbit , so I trotted down off the side of the dune and down to the line of debris thrown up by the sea .
19 RENFE , according to one estimate , had seen some forty study commissions by the early 1980s ( Nueva Empresa , no. 193 , 15 October 1983 ) , and a major commission of inquiry set up by the government reported in 1984 ( CEFE 1984 ) .
20 Conscience is a function of the ego ideal , and is critical of failure to live up to the ego ideal .
21 You 'll need plenty of courage to face up to the fact that trouble is about to strike and then to deter whoever is behind it .
22 The syllabus includes the ‘ core ’ of chemistry drawn up by the Standing Conference on University Entrance in 1983 , and as far as we can tell is also likely to include the new chemistry core under construction by the School Examination and Assessment Council .
23 I think er , and Pam says there 's a sort of post sticking up in the ceiling or something ?
24 He could see the Tientsin clearly through the transparent walls of the car , its underbelly glowing , great wreaths of mist swirling up into the cold air overhead .
25 piece of metal put up over the entrance to the compost plant please .
26 Shape of gentleman getting up in the afternoon
27 Loads of water get up through the gates .
28 Golden eye have heads which look like blobs of dough scooped up from the bench and plonked on . ’
29 The occasional burst of singing wafts up through the yellow leaves , mixed with the mouldy astringent smell of rotting apples .
30 Next day he would find the little piece of paper screwed up in the waste-paper basket and the matter ignored .
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