Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Dewlike drops of moisture formed on the dry grass , and rose upward through the air as if powered by the jolts in our chest .
2 The eyes are the blue of a shallow sea , watering slightly at the corners , a trickle of moisture sinking into the parched skin .
3 It was not raining , but droplets of moisture condensed on every cold surface and Wycliffe could taste the salt on his lips .
4 In addition to their apparent central role in the pathogenesis of the arterial thrombus , increasing interest has focussed on platelets and the coronary microcirculation with the finding of platelet aggregates in the coronary microcirculation in some cases of sudden cardiac death ( Haerem , 1972 ; El-Maraghi & Genton , 1980 ) .
5 Similar evidence of unity emerged from the numerous ( about 600 ) Latin American bishops .
6 Produces a quick rush of euphoria followed by a rapid depression of mood .
7 An alternative explanation for the more favourable results at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is that the type of stricture encountered by the two techniques is different , percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography being preferred when imaging suggests a high stricture and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography when it is low .
8 The rate of progress made in the first 20 years was only achieved by the geologists being in the field most of the year .
9 But at least some of the meaning of blackbird belongs to the whole complex , and is not attributable to either black — or bird separately ; so , when black is replaced , this additional meaning is lost , along with ‘ black ’ .
10 It will try to identify what the key moments of commitment/disengagement are , when , and to whom , school offers self-fulfilment and when it operates denial ; whether patterns of differentiation persist within the national framework of ‘ entitlement ’ and equality of opportunity .
11 Many ingenious hypotheses have been advanced to account for this supposed rise in NAIRU , the most promising of which is the notion of hysteresis discussed in the next section .
12 The degree of support given to Newton 's theory by Galle 's observation of Neptune is no different from the degree of support given by a modern observation of Neptune .
13 But the largest readily accessible reservoir of support lay in the French empire , which the Germans did not occupy and where Vichy 's authority was uncertain .
14 It is great to see so many people turn up and we hope this level of support continues during the cold winter evenings ahead .
15 Thus the question of legitimacy is crucial , and particularly the levels of support enjoyed by the civil political process as a whole compared with those enjoyed by the military .
16 Who then is going to organise the packages of support required by the new structure of Community Care ?
17 The report , endorsed by chief nursing officer Yvonne Moores , says : ‘ It is recommended that priority should be given to the achievement of change based on the systematic and structured methodology provided . ’
18 Evidence of change lay in the increasing local diversity of management arrangements as authorities and managers used their new found autonomy to shape structures and roles to suit themselves .
19 Openness in discussion , the acceptance of the searching question and the admission of uncertainty are all signs of the process of change proceeding at an appropriate rate for the individuals concerned " ( Briault and West 1990:20 ) .
20 Even at the tiny rate of change discovered by the two men , an accurate clock started then would now be several hours out , compared to time judged by the positions of the sun or stars .
21 Nevertheless , studies about job losses are useful to the extent that they give some flavour of the rate of change associated with the new technology , and they are helpful for any social and economic planning to cope with these changes .
22 There is a wind of change blowing through the corporate environment these days , one that has long been predicted but that few expected to actually see .
23 A loud gasp turned to uproarious laughter , as a stream of champagne sprayed over the naked showgirl to douse the flame of the candle .
24 The fastest man received a bottle of champagne compared to the fastest woman who got a bottle of wine for her efforts .
25 Three examples of hair seen under the Redken electron microscope .
26 As a result , his skin glowed more healthily and his halo of hair gleamed like the outer circle of the sun .
27 Clad in an old black leotard and leggings , now fairly well daubed with paint , and with her mane of hair hidden beneath a scarlet bandana , she did n't exactly look like a decorator , she realised with a giggle as she caught sight of her own reflection in the hall mirror on the way to the kitchen , but she 'd discovered at an early stage of the game just how much bending , stretching and crouching was involved and so had decided she might as well be comfortable while she did it .
28 Marilyn Thompson tossed her head and a lock of hair drifted from the elaborate structure .
29 Within minutes she was asleep , her heavy mane of hair spread over the white pillows .
30 In his late teens , there were still signs of puppy fat , and his rounded face sat under an unruly head of hair trimmed to the current style , though not especially trendy , and he could be lost in a crowd as being just another boy on the block ; unassuming and unspecial .
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