Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] [prep] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 Diffusion of responsibility occurs to such a degree in Japan that outright blame is not easily assigned .
2 The company also stressed that no drainage system could have coped with the amount of rain caused by such a ‘ freak ’ storm .
3 The lack of confidence engendered by such a barren run was all to evident , as Tottenham soon set about imposing themselves on this unremarkable match .
4 Once again , the intensity of contact spread over such a long time in the field makes this form of self-monitoring difficult to maintain , and there was also a general resistance from below to the management 's instruction .
5 In South Australia , for instance , geologists recently discovered a source of copper hidden under such a layer .
6 Until such time as the Secretary of State agrees to such a Commission , the Council agrees to support the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities ' call for a policy of non-co-operation between the Authority and The Scottish Office over the question of local government reorganisation .
7 The marriage of a person who has been judicially declared insane is totally void , and the same is said to be true of any disposition of property made by such a person .
8 The sense of injustice created by such a system would inevitably work against its deterrent effectiveness ( Beccaria always acknowledged the importance of consent in producing compliance ; it is difficult to imagine how his version of the social contract would have allowed such a system to operate ) .
9 Foreigners who visit here are aghast that we would even think of gold mining in such a wild and unpolluted area .
10 In the event of death occurring in such a case I would accept that it could be an unnatural death .
11 The amount of detail included in such a report varies considerably , but it is always a much condensed version of the information contained in the archive , which would be far too costly to publish in its entirety .
12 This is a rate of interest written in such a way that the final maturity value of the bill can always be calculated .
13 Your son has suffered a terrible loss — six months is not a long period of time to get over such a trauma .
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