Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [be] [adj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 So that although the theoretical presuppositions of traditional literary criticism are very different from Derrida 's , the student of literature is likely to recognize his strategy of not taking texts at face value .
2 It would of course be possible to give them to clarinets and bassoons ( let us hope that no one would wish to use an oboe for the top note of the chords — it would be terribly nasal and obtrusive here , on its bottom notes ) , but the low-placed clarinets would sound rather hollow and ‘ woody ’ for the rich effect we have in mind .
3 I hope it will be possible for all questionnaires to be returned by 30th September 1985 at the latest , but if in practice this is likely to cause problems , I shall of course be happy to receive them a little later .
4 If he had a reading nearby he might of course be able to use her place and still claim hotel expenses , so it would not pay to fall out .
5 My respected landladies , who are the double-distilled quintessence of considerateness and island hospitality , would think all good would leave their abodes if a dweller beneath their roof left fasting , so , in spite of all my entreaties to the contrary , a cup of tea was prepared to forestall my start ; and as I walked by the river-side and reached a road that skirts a number of very massive peat-stacks , and displays on the landward side an interminable host of peat-pits , the geniality of the sunshine was felt , and I would gladly have slackened my pace were it not that by so doing my good friends at Gress ( some eight miles from Stornoway , where I was due at eight o'clock , if I remember rightly ) , might have waited breakfast for me .
6 Other ways of thinking are available to jerk you free from the clutches of an unproductive feeling .
7 Those in back can adjust the rake of the split backrests and height of the rear cushions electrically , but the degree of adjustment is insufficient to make it worthwhile .
8 Particular religions , while not embodying the fullness of Truth are necessary to convey what it means to speak of absolute Truth or Ultimate Concern .
9 Hence none of the engines of recovery is available to pull us out of the recession .
10 I have many reasons for visiting Van Diemens Land first — the climate is more like that of England and many of the Birds , I believe only pigeons may visit that island from the Continent , many are local species and others so nearly allied that [ only ] an inspection of them in a state of nature is possible to ascertain their being specifically different .
11 It may be concluded that the problem of consent is unlikely to vanish whatever means are adopted to deal with it .
12 Her father spotted her bike lying beside the pit and after reaching deep into the tons of grain was able to feel her arm .
13 My instinct is to believe that those who defend the autonomy of their particular " level " are right to do so but I also think that our present state of knowledge is insufficient to permit us to understand satisfactorily how this level autonomy comes about .
14 This degree of organisation was sufficient to allow them to remember a large part of the information in the passage so that when the theme was finally presented the remembered information could be re-structured .
15 This finding , however , conceals the fact that working-class males in these two categories of illness are likely to visit their doctor to obtain sickness certificates — a procedure which is not so necessary for professional employees who receive sick pay from their employers .
16 This simple appraisal of size is likely to give you a good , accurate picture of physical shape ; use it in conjunction with the other methods in this chapter .
17 Except for the last Albanians in the Labour party , I do not believe that anyone seriously disputes that the process of competition is essential to maximise what is bought for the taxpayer .
18 Tolman showed that rats would learn to negotiate mazes without experiencing reinforcement at the goal-box , although the introduction of reinforcement was necessary to persuade them to display their knowledge .
19 Naturally the overseas extensions of the Anglican way of life were interested to revise their own prayer books .
20 The secretary of state is averse to use his powers of call-in unless important non-local issues are involved , even if the permission is highly contentious .
21 According to Mark Siegel , who worked in the Carter White House , With Reagan in the executive mansion the atmosphere was different ; members of congress were pleased to have their telephone calls returned ; where possible they were provided with assistance and they were carefully plyed with the ‘ small potatoes ’ of presidential patronage .
22 Each new kind of medium is likely to have its own built in obsolescence whether deficiencies these are inherent or merely the result of replacement by newer and more efficient technologies .
23 I had always been interested in history , but Ken with his great command of English was able to explain it and put life into it , particularly when talking about his hero , Charles I. ’
24 Since the full tanks weighing about 240 tons each are in balance , one against the other ( by Archimedes ' principle , the loading of the vessels into the tank makes no difference to the overall weight of the tank ) , only a small amount of power is necessary to cause them to move .
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