Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [be] [adv] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The constant element underlying this type of exclamation is therefore the expression of surprise , indignation , etc. at the happening denoted by the infinitive having been realized .
2 It is thus a defence to show that the reason for the alleged act of discrimination was not the plaintiff 's disability but rather an inability to perform the work in question .
3 The difference in technique between all styles of grafting is simply the shape in which both the rootstocks and the vinestocks are cut , the prime purpose being to present the largest possible growing surface between the two canes .
4 This appears to assume that most secondary school departments have scrapped all their previous work and started again , which of course is not the case .
5 This of course is not the reason for this little chat . ’
6 This of course is not the end of the sociologist 's interest or expertise .
7 Charlie of course is now the man every trainer wants to engage because of his marvellous performance at Cheltenham in booting home four winners and taking the Ritz Club Trophy for the top jockey at the festival .
8 The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young minds for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards .
9 Such flexibility of response is obviously the basis of intelligence , but also , as the earlier example of the mating problems of captive chimpanzees shows , the foundation of the instinctual lability which can lead to perversion , inhibition and , in man at least , to neurosis , insanity and civilization .
10 The origin of civilisation was probably the arrival of a mental process in the evolving human being which , for the first time , was not a purely instinctive one .
11 The great problem of uniformitarianism was always the amount of time needed to explain what was known to have happened in the history of the earth ( including the evolution of all its species ) if one could only Postulate present processes .
12 On this second approach , the refutation of scepticism is not the intention , and need not be the result , of a successful epistemology .
13 This subjective appreciation of the work of Nizan is merely the starting point of analysis , however .
14 The art of delegation is possibly the manager 's most valuable skill .
15 The pleasure of eating is largely the pleasure of taste .
16 The widespread belief that the limbic system is the substrate of emotion is also the result of an accident , in that Papez 's theory of emotion was not justified by the evidence available at the time and there are other , equally acceptable , interpretations of the effects of limbic system damage .
17 Such as that I was trying to use the priesthood as an escape from my personal frustration , that I was dramatizing my own situation , that I was proud and vain , that my idea of Catholicism was up the creek .
18 In other words , it is based on what Land calls ‘ economic individualism ’ and its point of reference is not the home and unpaid housework , but the labour market and paid work .
19 These are the exceptions , the rare exceptions , for the contract of marriage is still the passport to distaff power and still greatly desired .
20 It shows that positive policies to ease the pain of job-loss are now the norm rather than the exception .
21 The process of decision-making is simply the outcome of conflicts between different groups , with governmental institutions acting simply as the arbiter between these conflicting groups or , at most , acting as merely one of these groups .
22 This question of relevancy is often the examinee 's greatest headache .
23 The economics , ethics and effects of discounting were not the talking point they had been in 1991 .
24 That kind of farce was just the tip of the iceberg .
25 Our choice of venue is usually the Mermaid Restaurant where punters can dine al fresco at white plastic tables , rain or shine , in season or out , risking the wrath of the passing gulls .
26 The equivalent of 2 pints of beer , 2 doubles of spirits or 4 glasses of wine is probably the maximum that can be safely drunk regularly — and women 's bodies tolerate less than men 's .
27 This nostalgia for the Edenic community of poverty is not the nostalgia of working-class people but of others .
28 As Earnest Kurtz argues in " Not-God " ( published by Hazelden ) , which gives the history of Alcoholics Anonymous , the process of recovery is essentially the recognition that one is not one 's self in control of the Universe , nor even of much of one 's own life , and that one is therefore Not God and nor are the mood-altering chemicals and behaviours that one previously " worshipped " .
29 The reason for the apparent lack of confidence was clearly the fact that Elsworth had suspended operations for some while because of coughing in his yard and had not had a winner for almost six weeks .
30 The third course of anti-parliamentarianism is neither the authoritarianism and distrust of political parties of the right ( although President Mitterrand also seems to share it ) , nor the belief in direct democracy of the left , but is an unsystematic belief that the actual people running the country are useless .
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