Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [be] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 The presence of moisture was found to be necessary to promote chemical weathering and weaken the rock sufficiently for disintegration to occur .
2 The average relative abundances of all skeletal elements for three species of owl were found to be as follows : great horned owl , 51.5 per cent ; barn owl , 62.7 per cent ; and screech owl , 46.5 per cent ( Dodson & Wexlar , 1979 ) .
3 You should then decide which area of parcel is going to be decorated with the pressed flowers and foliage .
4 9.6Kbps local dial access of all its 520 points of presence is expected to be completed by June 1994 .
5 I know those offices in Northumberland Avenue — I have been involved in submitting evidence to two separate Royal Commissions there — and I do not believe this proposed tour of inspection is going to be a very joyous occasion .
6 The more distant the target completion date of the longest task or program , the heavier the weight of responsibility is felt to be .
7 16–7- Duncan McGilvray , a Deacon , who had been seen publicly in a state of intoxication was ordered to be publicly rebuked .
8 They argue that segmentation at distinct levels of description is bound to be an errorful process given the highly parallel encoding of information in the acoustic waveform .
9 The usual aim is to carve up a constituency in such a way that first-preferences will be spread evenly between candidates whose chances of election are judged to be good .
10 Two people who think they are disagreeing may , in fact , be talking about different things and would n't disagree if they were talking about the same thing , but it 's important to recognise that when the university and colleges talk about what they want to do about sexual harassment , they certainly imagine that a range of different forms of response are going to be appropriate to this range of different forms of behaviour , ranging from on the one hand education , encouraging people to think they have a right to protest and answer back , to giving them access to erm people who may mediate and persuade another person who they 're not making an impact on that their behaviour is unreasonable , to the most extreme disciplinary procedures against someone who 's behaving in a way which is generally thought to be unacceptable and who 's not prepared to desist .
11 It , it is a serious problem , I mean the area at the moment between east of Saltdean , erm Telscombe Cliffs , erm through to the east end of Peacehaven , is in the process of being protected by a seawall and an undercliff walk , rather like the area from erm Black Rock in Brighton through to Saltdean , because the rate of retreat of the cliffs there was so great erm that it would very shortly be threatening the houses on the clifftop at Peacehaven , so that erm a lot of money 's having to be spent to stop the erosion of the cliffs along that stretch .
12 The supply of money is assumed to be under the control of the monetary authorities and is not influenced by changes in national income or in interest rates .
13 The supply of money is assumed to be determined by government : what the government chooses it to be , or what it allows it to be by its choice of the level and method of financing the PSBR .
14 The difference , however , between The Philosophy of Money and most of the later works is that in the early book the rupture created through the rise of money is seen to be inseparable as a historical moment from its positive aspects ; that is , it is seen as representing freedom and potential equality .
15 The intuitive explanation for the negative slope of the aggregate demand curve is that a higher price implies , ceteris paribus , a lower real quantity of money in the economy since the real quantity of money is defined to be the nominal quantity of money , M , divided by the general level of prices , P 1 that is M÷P , One way in which people may respond to finding themselves with less real money than they had before is by selling off holdings of bonds to rebuild their holdings of money .
16 I wonder if the , the director plans to talk about the cri criteria we will work towards with the independent erm living fund and I wonder if we could possibly accommodate something within the criteria because I think the number of people involved needing adaptation to their home over about five thousand is fairly small but for those people it will make the difference between them being able to remain in their own home or within the community care package , a vast sum of money being needed to be spent on them to accommodate them within residential accommodation .
17 A kind of ghost is going to be riding down the path for er , when it 's actually a Rochester
18 THE CHILL of recession is expected to be felt in today 's year end figures announced by glass giants Pilkington , with a continuing down turn in profits expected to register around £35m halved for the third year running .
19 As I understood the submission , the Attorney-General was not contending that the use of Parliamentary material by the courts for the purposes of construction would constitute an ‘ impeachment ’ of freedom of speech since impeachment is limited to cases where a Member of Parliament is sought to be made liable , either in criminal or civil proceeding , for what he has said in Parliament , e.g. , by criminal prosecution , by action for libel or by seeking to prove malice on the basis of such words .
20 And if then your Member of Parliament is chosen to be a member of the Government , he resigns his seat in Parliament .
21 The raising of taxes or the dispensing of laws without the assent of Parliament was declared to be illegal .
22 When a member of parliament was considered to be in a position to influence senior officers ' careers , he might , however , find himself offered minor patronage posts to use as he saw fit , without having to do much to seek them .
23 The length of coverage is taken to be the number of days that a case is mentioned during the search stage .
24 Redefinitions of chronology are claimed to be part of the process of improvement of understanding , but may as easily be viewed as an infinite series of alternatives none of which are demonstrably correct unless they are somehow related to the reality of the society in question .
25 Its mode of action is thought to be its ability to potentiate the defensive barriers of gastrointestinal mucosa .
26 The supply of labour is assumed to be a fixed fraction of the total population , to be exogenously determined , and to grow exponentially at rate n : or where u denotes time , and L the derivative with respect to time .
27 When the distribution of revenue is seen to be equitable , one would expect to see this intransigence diminish and with it doubts about the commitment of the UK to the EC .
28 Indeed , the idea that women might take control of their desire to the point where men come to be judged as objects of pleasure is felt to be so threatening as to be tabooed .
29 It was widely felt , while the Bill was passing into law , that the programmes of study were going to be inflexibly prescriptive .
30 Only exceptional damp , unusual cold , excessive rot , and decrepitude to the point of collapse are felt to be legitimate subjects of discussion .
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