Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] [vb base] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 However , for the prisoner , the CAB adviser is often the only non-establishment source of support and contact that he or she may have with the outside world .
2 He had never caused her breath to catch in her throat or her mouth to dry with a mixture of hope and dread that he might reach for her .
3 He pointed out that , when new products come on the market , they are often treated as great blessings , and it is only after a great deal of experience and use that we learn of their dangers and downsides .
4 Could you offer her a cup of tea and say that I 'll be er about fifteen minutes or so ?
5 Books of reference that state that he was born in 1885 in Devon are mistaken , as they are about some other features of his career .
6 We never had much to eat in ordinary times , but we had less now and us kids were really glad of the extra slice of bread and jam that we were given for our school breakfast .
7 No longer through Bibles , sacred texts and holy writ is the world conquered , but by the promise that if the poorest countries will carry out the prescriptions — indeed , the orders — of the western financial institutions , they too will achieve the levels of affluence and ease that they see in the western world .
8 It is , as we saw clearly during the Gulf war , the very sophistication of America 's procurement and the new technology of weaponry that demand that we count the Americans as friends and allies rather than trying to go it alone .
9 Calling all pensioners … with a message from welfare officer Sheila Redmond : ‘ If any retired employees are in need of advice or help that they think I could offer , they only have to ‘ phone me on . ’
10 Well it would be something , it would be a bit of paper that say that I can look after children under five , I could go and run a play group or do whatever and earn some money
11 One of the commonest letters of complaint or query that we receive covers the topic of out-of-date test kits .
12 At that time the Hon. Gentleman expressed the hope that between then and Report his Hon. Friend the Minister would look into the matter , talk to his right Hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State and decide that it was more logical to have one body looking after all transport issues in Scotland .
13 At the interface of matter and mind that we call consciousness ?
14 Even if you are resorting to it out of nervousness or fear that you have bad breath it will create a very negative impression on the interviewer .
15 Those aspects of the context which are directly reflected in the text , and which need to be called upon to interpret the text , we shall refer to as activated features of context and suggest that they constitute the contextual framework within which the topic is constituted , that is , the topic framework .
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