Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [adv] [verb] [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 He envisages that a change in outlook may derive from appreciation of the complex event sequences that new techniques have now exposed in the Quaternary ; from appraisal of the classical models of change to accommodate the realization that extreme rapidity of change now has to be considered when evaluating chronological biotal and geomorphological processes ; from adjustment of geomorphology to new knowledge of Quaternary change such as rate of ice sheet growth and decay ; and similar adjustment of biogeography and of palaeoclimatology .
2 The writer had used 4 oz in 80 oz of 32 index fluid and , although I would have carried out a similar treatment as that ten years ago using saline , I consider this type of case nowadays has to be treated in a different manner , with up-to-date fluids and up-to-date knowledge — there are many first class fluids on the market today .
3 Of course more needs to be done , but what will not help is discouraging investment in Ulster .
4 The focusing of consciousness often appears to be concerned with the attempted resolution of unfinished business .
5 Security arrangements for the opening of mail etc have to be made watertight .
6 The point of contention now appears to be how institutions may be affected .
7 These two areas of convergence also direct us to the main area of divergence and the reason why , though in actuality inextricably related , the psychic and the cultural return of homosexuality still need to be distinguished .
8 A great deal of work now needs to be done to work out the details of the new arrangements .
9 Water itself is , of course , a combined source of oxygen just waiting to be liberated via the breakdown of water vapour through photosynthesis .
10 The level of suspicion thus seems to be no less than that required to effect an arrest .
11 Observation and care of the patient at risk of suicide therefore needs to be very carefully planned and coordinated .
12 Reports of efficacy also need to be tempered with the proviso that building self-esteem is a task which requires constant vigilance against old negative messages .
13 The question of quality now needs to be addressed .
14 During the postwar period the idea of democracy also came to be expressed in new terms — differing profoundly from the restrictive meaning which Schumpeter , Weber and others had imparted to it through its association with the idea of citizenship .
15 The cost of discipleship often fails to be spelt out in Christian teaching .
16 The balance of convenience still had to be shown by the plaintiff to be in his favour but , as Wedderburn says , the threat of irreparable harm to the employer 's ‘ property ’ in his business interests could not be out-weighed by the defendant union .
17 A pattern of trouble quickly came to be associated with the street gangs .
18 In a continuing relationship the expression of anger sometimes needs to be encouraged by the therapist to allow the partners to improve other aspects of their relationship .
19 As such , the current editors of Nationalism Today continue to be pan of the same political tradition as their rivals in the National Front .
20 Further north the impact of urbanization again began to be seen as a positive stimulus to growth , leading Champion ( 1987 ) to conclude that the most outstanding aspect of population change there was the strong upward shift recorded by the main conurbation areas , with the metropolitan counties of the West Midlands , Merseyside , Greater Manchester , Tyne and Wear , and Strathclyde registering the strongest improvements .
21 Bearing all that in mind , it is not difficult to see how the person who starts with a lack of confidence in one specific area of life soon seems to be taken over by that lack of confidence , which spreads to many spheres of activity .
22 Is such a level of reliability and degree of assurance now going to be expected in the preparation and audit of annual accounts ?
23 At North Leigh the relieving insets of guilloche etc. appear to be simpler than those at Chedworth .
24 A great deal of effort also needs to be devoted to enhancing the social standing of the cleaners because they can so easily be regarded as inferior by other staff irrespective of their skills .
25 And it is true to say that , provided you do not suffer from any particular allergy or illness , a certain amount of food commonly considered to be ‘ bad ’ for you wo n't do you any harm at all .
26 The scale of the work varied but they were generally scenes from nature , the type of thing popularly believed to be the easiest to sell but not necessarily the easiest to paint .
27 Reading the bar codes is more difficult , since this type of software only seems to be sold as part of a complete bar code reader and software package .
28 As a fully-masculinized professional field , the study of English increasingly came to be organized according to hierarchical administration , specialization , and approved modes of scholarship .
29 However , senior managers have to consider where the business as a whole is going , and this kind of problem also has to be faced by anyone trying to run their own business , no matter how small .
30 But for those who do not , the phenomenon of Christianity still has to be understood .
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