Example sentences of "of [pron] [pers pn] [vb past] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Jamie Blandford admitted things were different for him than for his predecessors , most of whom he described as living in blissful ignorance of the world .
2 There were a great many people milling around , the cream of Spaxton society , indeed , many of whom she knew or recognised .
3 ‘ Journey of the Magi ’ , written in 1927 , contains not only material quoted in Eliot 's 1926 survey , ‘ Lancelot Andrewes ’ , and recollections from Eliot 's own life ( some of which he catalogued when reminiscing in The Use of Poetry and the Use of Criticism ) .
4 She gained some 25lb ( 11kg ) in weight during pregnancy , half of which she lost whilst breast-feeding for six months .
5 This was a side of him she admired and liked , and as long as they could talk like this she was happy and open to chat , even to tease .
6 But once a job becomes a series of chances with restrictions built in , all of what we struggled for becomes a thing of the past .
7 Nothing at all of what we did or said ; that is , until the morning of my departure .
8 The evidence of actual bystanders of what they saw and felt is some evidence of what the hypothetical bystander would have been likely to feel .
9 " Then swear to me now , swear that you will never speak of what you saw or heard .
10 Just made a note of what I said and said thanks very much .
11 So I just kept on my way , letting then all come along for the ride , while I hunted for confirmation of what I suspected and feared about Gharr .
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