Example sentences of "of [pron] [adj] [noun sg] [adv] that " in BNC.

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1 A cool little breeze was blowing , and she shivered as it ran playfully over her heated skin and ruffled the long strands of her silvery hair so that it spilled like spun gold down her back , tangling with the lace .
2 At one extreme , the consumer could spend nothing in the present period and save all of his present income so that in the future period he can spend as much as Y t + 1 ; + ( 1 + i ) Y t ; that is , his future income plus his saved present income plus interest .
3 And it was surely not merely over-confidence of his good usage here that gave his eyes that insolent green blaze , and his voice the sharp , clear edge of defiance .
4 I should have flung the damned thing out of his open door so that it would bounce down the mountainside up which the road was climbing .
5 The Bloodthirster lashed out and struck him a terrible blow , breaking the bones of his left arm so that his shield hung useless at his side .
6 Would you be good enough to re-advise me of your full address so that I can send the documents to you ?
7 They are an important part of our twin-track approach so that we not only come down hard on offenders who commit the crime of taking vehicles , but we do all we can to prevent youngsters from offending .
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