Example sentences of "of [pron] [be] [adv] [v-ing] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Some of them are not going to vote Conservative this time — if at all .
2 I mean all of them are obviously going to need equipment explained to them
3 I work for Team Sport Scotland and part of my reignement is erm coordinator for women and girl 's football and I find that with the equal opportunities policies of many of the education regions now that more football is being played in primary and in secondary school and the district councils I go to visit I would say that the majority of them are definitely wanting to put money into promoting girl 's and women 's football .
4 Most of them are indeed trying to pull the ‘ off with the old , on with the new ’ wife replacement technique but they are in such an emotional mess that they subconsciously drive away any woman who tries to get close to them .
5 In the past the temptation to gallop across the hallowed Cowdray turf , which so many of them were not going to have the chance to play on , had been too much for the teams .
6 Of more immediate concern to governments and , it seemed , likely to produce much quicker and more clearly identifiable results , were the growing efforts which many of them were now making to use for their own purposes the new or greatly strengthened force of the newspaper press .
7 By the time it had found it , a lot of people in the old movies and new news business were shouting very angrily at one another down telephones , and some of them were feverishly trying to give it new instructions .
8 And although you know , to all intents and purposes , those appointments are inviolate , I know that they 're in pink on the slide , but they are inviolate in terms of I 'm not going to cede that time to anyone else .
9 That logical mind of yours is n't going to stand any nonsense , is it ?
10 What the charity groups think of him is hardly going to make or break him in the operatic world . ’
11 If the oboe band was a viable theatrical ensemble as late as 1688 , then it must have been even more so in the 1660s , when the orchestra as we conceive of it was merely starting to come into being .
12 " One or two of us are just going to silflay , " said Hazel .
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