Example sentences of "of [pron] [verb] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Other able practitioners of homoeopathy in America were Allen , Nash , Boenninghausen and Boericke — all of whom added to the homoeopathic literature and whose work is still used today by students of homoeopathy .
2 As o through some of the possible problems , check back to see which of them apply to the slack parts of your own writing .
3 Both of them listened to the raised voices .
4 Erm all that sort of leads me back to where I started from , our perception of this survey is that it 's encouraging in the sense that it suggests that the recovery in the economy is erm widening and deepening if you like , it 's widening in the sense that it 's spreading to all the mainland regions of the U K and it 's deepening in the sense that erm firstly , although there are regional variations within this , it 's clearly not purely an export story and it 's not purely a domestic story , it 's a mixture of the two which gives us some reassurance erm it 's also deepening in the sense that there 's no evidence from the survey of anything which is likely to trip up the recovery in the short term , and remember that most of these er questions relate to the next four months , not all of them , but mo most of them relate to the next four months so one does n't want to extrapolate too far forward but nevertheless if you look at erm er most obviously sort of the the crisis and the inflation questions , if you look at er
5 Like the bats , the pterosaurs had membranous wings stretched between highly modified arms and ‘ hands ’ and the fore part of the legs ; unlike the bats some of them grew to an enormous size and the front support for the wing was provided by only one finger of the hand , grotesquely extended .
6 Also a hoard of 327 small coins was carefully sieved from the ash , most of them dated to the mid fourth century .
7 Deciding what facts are relevant to a choice of means may be very complicated , and that the difficulties from admitting his obligation to take account of them testifies to the irresistible authority of ‘ Be aware ’ in practical decisions .
8 Four of them went to the new Department of National Heritage .
9 Several of them went to an acting class run by Jeff Corey , where other aspirants included James Coburn .
10 Some co-ordination was supplied by local Peace Councils , many of them affiliated to the National Peace Council , organizing a rich ferment of local Peace Weeks , Peace Exhibitions , Peace Pageants , Peace Demonstrations .
11 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
12 Will one of them tumble to the heretical truth , that they have sprung from a remote , earlier form of life , rooted in organic , carbon chemistry , rather than the silicon-based electronic principles of their own bodies ?
13 The rational way to employ such conflicting prudential principles would not be to deduce from more general principles which of them applies to the present case .
14 So when you realise it 's somewhere about three hundred and fifty thousand chartered engineers in th U K as a whole you 'll see most of them belong to the three major organisations .
15 There are two roads out of Saint-Étienne , both of them leading to the Spanish frontier and both delightful to drive along .
16 Their colour-similarity is a necessary condition of their belonging to the same colour species , not a definition of their colour .
17 One was a £230,000 ‘ compensation for loss of office ’ , the bulk of which went to the former chief executive , Emmanuel Olympitis , who suddenly departed last month .
18 Now , generally speaking wi I I I 've act what I 've done for the re-sit paper is that I I pooled a load of questions , some of which went to the first paper and some of which went to the ne and some of which went to the re-sit paper so I do n't know which topics are coming up erm on the re-sit paper .
19 In 1958 and 1959 Uruguay sold 16 per cent of its wool exports to Communist countries , the bulk of which went to the Soviet Union .
20 As a result the Company lost its monopoly ; after 1697 all English merchants could trade with West Africa , though they were supposed to pay a tax of 10 per cent of the value of goods exported from England , the proceeds of which went to the Royal Africa Company to enable it to keep up its forts on the West African coast .
21 The body is divided into zones , each one of which relates to a corresponding zone on the underside of the foot .
22 A qualified iridologist can identify about 200 different iris markings , each one of which relates to a different area or organ of the body .
23 Mr Faulks said : ‘ Inside the police found a complete confidence trickster 's set with 26 different charge cards either in the name of Garawand or in the name of Yousefi and ten cheque books , four of which related to the same account at the Royal Bank of Scotland in Darlington . ’
24 Apart from the works cited in this introduction , some of which refer to the American and Australian literature , there are now two books specifically directed to the analysis of many of these issues within a British context .
25 The Australian desert , for example , is structurally an ancient worn-down plateau of crystalline and ancient sedimentary rocks , the more resistant of which rise to a thousand metres or more ( a few thousand feet ) above the general surface level .
26 For the clubs , as ever , the issue is money , most of which goes to the First Division .
27 The average family sends back $100 a month and pays a $10 fee to send it , part of which goes to the Vietnamese government .
28 The remainder were in chains , some of which belonged to the national press undertakings .
29 I advised , my opinion reinforced by Dennis Lloyd , that there was plainly a breach of copyright , since the reports published were to a substantial extent verbatim accounts of the meetings reproduced from the minutes , the copyright of which belonged to the National Executive , and that a judicial remedy should be sought as soon as possible .
30 all of which calibrate to the Early or Middle Bronze Age ; such a body of evidence can not be chance .
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