Example sentences of "of [art] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So , under men like Halsbury , they reacted to the legislation of the later nineteenth century with all the inflexibility of those who are determined that what was good enough for their fathers ' social and economic structures was good enough for them .
2 No ruler of the later eighteenth century except Joseph II was willing to press home ‘ enlightened ’ policies in the face of really formidable opposition ; and his fate showed the near-impossibility of doing this successfully .
3 He has to decide whether he should stay on pending a full trial of the bitter dispute between the two men , who stood side-by-side as saviours of the financially troubled club in 1991 .
4 The tax base would be buoyant — that is , it would increase as incomes grew — and the amount paid could be related to income to produce a proportionate or progressive yield instead of the fundamentally regressive impact of rates and the community charge .
5 It is this emphasis on supplementary rather than substitute care ( Davis , 1981 ) , growing out of a recognition of the fundamentally shared nature of parenting , which should be the driving force behind a new direction for child care policy .
6 In particular the reader of Marx 's works must get the feeling that he gradually became aware of the overly Eurocentric character of the earlier schemas he had espoused in such works as The German Ideology .
7 Yet this was also the period during which the United States became the main supplier of the hugely increasing need for raw cotton .
8 A director whose functions demand the possession of some technical ability would accordingly be required to comply with the standard of the reasonably competent practitioner of the expertise in question , whether or not it was actually possessed .
9 Beyond the captured bridge a French gunner officer kicked the body of the dead Prussian infantryman into the River Sambre .
10 The accord 's most controversial element had been its attempt to induce Quebec to sign the 1982 federal Constitution in return for the recognition of the predominantly French-speaking province as a " distinct society " .
11 The location was unusual : the consulting room of a medical specialist where I was to learn the cause of the unacceptably high level of pain from which my sister has suffered for the past five years .
12 Intimate details of Josselin 's health , moving descriptions of the frequently fatal sickness of his children , and numerous comments on the epidemics which afflicted the village reveal another side of his character .
13 But what are we to make of the evidence which suggests that working class wives rarely knew what their husbands earned , or enjoyed sex , or of the probably greater incidence of violence between spouses ?
14 I had an acute sense of the absence of Alison , of the probably permanent loss of her ; I could imagine her beside me , her hand in mine ; and she was human warmth , normality , standard to go by .
15 The important place of the analysis of the transition to capitalism in The German Ideology reminds us once again of the primarily political purpose of the anthropological and historical analysis .
16 This molecule , because of the partly polar nature of the ester bond , is present at the micellar interface , but preferentially located in the bulk solvent .
17 Blum 's hope that non-intervention , if dutifully observed , would be in the Republic 's interests made theoretical sense in the light of the already clear success of the rebels in attracting foreign help .
18 Then it will be a matter of finding the best returns , taking advantage of the already fierce competition between banks and building societies .
19 In March 1932 Japan sponsored the establishment in Manchuria of the nominally independent state of Manchukuo .
20 For Julian of Norwich , meditation on Christ 's Passion is the means to her visionary experience of the ultimately redemptive reality of love in the suffering and alienation of time .
21 The usage embodied in the first of these quotations is now well established in the literature , and the sentiments expressed in the second serve to remind us that the idea of the ultimately contingent nature of what is often taken to be ‘ natural ’ has a long and distinguished pedigree .
22 Out of his family 's travails he helped to make a fastness of domestic security — Cis , Ifor and the barricades of brothers , sisters , cousins , aunts , ever-open houses … out of the outwardly unpromising landscape of a war-battered , low-waged steel , coal and chapel culture he took a fine voice , musical knowledge , a skill in many sports , a love for learning : and he never forgot that a few shillings would and did make the difference between dignity and pity , poverty and decent comfort .
23 This was a consequence not only of the continuing pull of liberal internationalism , but also of the deeply undemocratic character of the generally available language of patriotism .
24 Schools did lose staff but it seems more likely to have been a reflection of the generally low level of teachers ' pay at a time of full employment .
25 Trading on the anger inherent in t heir home of New York , COP 's tales are sometimes vicious street level tables of the generally seamier end of society .
26 Trading on the anger inherent in t heir home of New York , COP 's tales are sometimes vicious street level tables of the generally seamier end of society .
27 The WEU spent much of the period from mid-1990 to mid-1991 in redefining its role and its aspirations in the light of the generally decreasing level of superpower tensions , and particularly in the light of the United States ' plans to withdraw a large proportion of its troops from NATO bases in Europe .
28 A number of functional agreements were concluded covering civil aviation , shipping and technical assistance , but the main achievement of the tour lay in the consolidation of the generally improving relationship between Vietnam and its capitalist neighbours .
29 Is not the Secretary of State aware of the deplorably low level of home ownership among other ranks in the armed forces and of the dearth of easily affordable council properties as a result of Government policies ?
30 Battleships would grow bigger after this , but the essential formula of the heavily armoured ship with four big guns making about 16 knots was unchanged until 1906 .
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