Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] that [verb] her " in BNC.

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1 She drank in the clean masculine smell of him , revelling in the power of the arms that held her so tightly , the tenderness of the hands that caressed her heated skin .
2 Marian talked over with him some of the things that troubled her .
3 By making tape recording of the sounds that disturb her , and playing them back to her frequently , indoors , at increasing levels of volume , she should gradually learn to accept them .
4 And I 'll tell you something more : it would have been hidden up , as many another 's been , an' she would have been dumped somewhere , or found in the canal , but one of the lasses that found her had a screaming fit and ran out into the street , went barmy , they said , yelling , ‘ She 's hung herself !
5 The newcomer listened in his turn to the description Mrs Zamzam had given me of the events that led her to run away from Um Al-Farajh , occasionally nodding agreement or interrupting to correct her account .
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