Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [prep] power [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of this chapter is to describe some of the ways in which companies exercise power and to examine the relevance of the possession of power to the concerns , or what should be the concerns , of company law .
2 The corollary of the possession of power by companies is that the individuals , interest groups , and communities affected by it suffer a lack of control over the conditions which determine how they live their lives .
3 But , as we shall see , in Marxist scholarship there are those who have modified Marx original theory so as to accommodate these changes in a way which is consistent with the original insight about the determined nature of the locus of power in capitalist societies .
4 The revisions granted Macao increased autonomy in advance of the transfer of power to China in 1999 .
5 DECEMBER 14th is the date of the transfer of power in French rugby .
6 The Gundovald crisis can thus be seen as a classic illustration of the difficulties raised at the time of the transfer of power from one monarch to another : the dispossessed and those who thought that their status was in question set about making contact with a new lord .
7 Whereas the 1832 Act helped ensure the dominance of the House of Commons within the formal political process , the passage of the Reform Act of 1867 began a process of the transfer of power from Parliament to Ministers .
8 Mills , like Marxists , also presented an historical account of the transformation of power in American society to explain how and why it was that a new power elite had developed in the post-war world .
9 But as the critics also point out , this trend itself has a political character , and may be interpreted as the consequence of the rise to power of a new technical-bureaucratic class or elite .
10 An important consideration at a general election is the success or failure of the government in power in coping with the economic situation .
11 The archdeacon , in traditional role , gave the pope the pallium ( the narrow strip of lamb 's wool worn over the shoulders ) , the symbol of the fullness of power of the pontifical office .
12 That 's very important to understand , for most of the aircraft 's performance and behaviour is governed by its formidable ability to accelerate or decelerate because of the availability of power in large quantities and propeller drag in proportional amounts .
13 Part of that reordering was Gloucester 's exchange of Skipton in Craven for Chirk in 1475 , endorsed if not actually organized by the crown , which was a tacit acknowledgement of the division of power between the Stanleys and Gloucester .
14 Part of that reordering was Gloucester 's exchange of Skipton in Craven for Chirk in 1475 , endorsed if not actually organized by the crown , which was a tacit acknowledgement of the division of power between the Stanleys and Gloucester .
15 Indeed the obstinacy with which company law has clung to the traditional legal model of the division of power in the company between the managers and the shareholders has sometimes had the effect of concealing from us the fact that company law regulates a variety of different sorts of companies .
16 A later industrial dispute was a pretty example of the intermingling of the exercise of powers in the high places of government in the United Kingdom .
17 Bourdieu 's second criticism of Lévi-Strauss is that he misses the very specific nature of the exercise of power in traditional societies .
18 The writings of Karl Marx and Frederich Engels in the nineteenth century provide one of the earliest critiques and explanations of the structure of power in capitalism .
19 The binary policy was perhaps a product of the search for power by the DES and the LEAs , but partly also a result ‘ of mistaken conceptions of what is appropriate for universities to do in the modern age ’ .
20 He 's forced the Libyan government a cause for celebration the tenth anniversary of the coming to power of their president Colonel Gadaffi .
21 of the coming of power of the the dictatorship .
22 The Party of Democratic Action ( SDA — the main Moslem party ) won 86 seats , the Serbian Democratic Party ( SDS ) 72 seats , and the Croatian Democratic Union ( HDZ — an affiliate of the party in power since May in neighbouring Croatia ) 44 seats .
23 President Hafez al-Assad on March 8 , in a speech to a youth rally marking the 27th anniversary of the accession to power of the Baath Party , appeared to confirm these reports .
24 That brings us to the very critical question of the balance of power at the end of all this .
25 The CGT , for instance , has regarded collective bargaining as no more than a temporary measure of the balance of power between management and unions , enabling the union to obtain the best negotiating results for wage-earners at a given point in time ( Goetschy , 1983 ) .
26 It is true that the problem of the balance of power between social classes and organs represented a more vital problem in modern Europe than it had done in Polybius ' Rome .
27 The State Department noted that a weakened Britain , with no immediate restoration of the balance of power in Europe in prospect , might feel compelled to look initially to the United Nations ( UN ) for help in the defence of her interests .
28 The President ( currently Chaim Herzog ) is elected every five years , and appoints a Prime Minister ( currently Itzhak Shamir ) on the basis of the distribution of power between parties in the Knesset ( parliament ) , which is itself elected for a maximum of four years .
29 I am convinced that the subordination of women is at the root of the distribution of power within any society .
30 In contrast , Marxists emphasize the established and fixed nature of the distribution of power in society .
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