Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The ceaseless deluge had turned the small front yard of the cottage into a swamp .
2 The next stage of our enterprise was to convert the little stable at the end of the cottage into a turbine house .
3 After having been in the thick of the battle for a number of years , Haslam found the transition to main board director in 1974 somewhat difficult to adjust to .
4 As well as evidence of the selection of a strategy , there should be evidence of the justification for selection eg the student explains why graphical techniques were used to investigate the phasing of traffic lights .
5 With these data , the analysis of the selection of a project size can proceed .
6 She reached out across the street and tried to get an idea of the shape of a building she could dimly see .
7 It was this that led to the first hints of how the theories of quantum mechanics and general relativity might affect each other — a glimpse of the shape of a quantum theory of gravity yet to come .
8 The aim is to be aware of the contrast between a voice volume that is too loud in ordinary circumstances and the voice volume that is suitable for ordinary conversation but using feeling instead of ( or as well as ) hearing to monitor the loudness .
9 [ … ] Thereafter , we will return to further development of the contrast between a theory of equilibrium prices and a theory of the market process .
10 I can literally push the bird out of the tree into a net or a box so I can take it home , because it ca n't see to fly off in the dark .
11 The weight , wt , given in Formula 1.1 is simply a count of the frequency of a tag sequence in the corpus , T1-T2 ; 1.2 is a modification of Bayes formula and 1.3 is suggested by Marshall ( 1983 ) .
12 It was unusual for a chief super to have to give evidence of the discovery of a body .
13 The Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981 stipulates that prosecutions must be brought within six months of the discovery of a carcass .
14 This begins with her Tasso and diverges into immense variety : from poems ( manuscript and printed , by herself and many others ) , mementoes , statistics , portraits ( many of women writers ) , and data on Hindu and Arabic languages , to diagrams of the hold of a slave ship .
15 The operation had been far from easy , the cable being ‘ … manhandled out of the hold of a steamer , over a pulley and round a drum which measured the speed , and then several times round a brake drum before passing into the sea ’ .5
16 The family spent their first night in the large attic , in the bedroom that was completely timbered , reminding him of the hold of a ship .
17 It is designed to optimise weights in one layer of the perceptron at a time , and the procedure for optimising weights in one layer is controlled by properties of the layer above which is already partly optimised .
18 Cutting along the side of the hedge with a spade helps check lateral roots , but it 's wiser to grow adjacent plants that tolerate poor , dry soil or shade .
19 There were basically two major responses : firstly by those who tried , in a manner similar to Mrs Whitehouse , to re-establish the importance of the Church through a critique of contemporary social forms .
20 It is one of many indications of the limits , not only of Anselm 's notion of his own responsibility as archbishop , but of the concerns of the Church as a whole .
21 His violent defence of the primacy , though it was contrary to all the forward-looking governmental ideals and interests of the Church as a whole during his later years , is his nearest approach to a consistent political policy as archbishop .
22 We were sent a tape of one of his sermons ( brought a tear to the eye ) and again he was on the subject of the Church as a Missionary Church , again confirming for us our call to WORK here in Brazil .
23 This increasing emphasis on ‘ dignity ’ was not only a reference to behaviour within the chapel but to the nature of the Church as a body .
24 The vision of the church as a body is not an accidental analogy .
25 This returns again and again in a variety of contexts , but the theological heart of it is to be found in the development of a theology of the Church as a communion of ‘ churches ’ .
26 But he saw the prayers of the Church as a living and fruitful tradition which threw up new ideas , some on reflection wrong or offending and to be rejected , others the seeds of devotion .
27 By a very ingenious mechanism a wooden screen can separate the transport from the body of the church at a moment 's notice reducing the latter in size when necessary and converting the former into a commodious , well lighted lecture hall .
28 Lying , both with Annie and to the world at large , is one of the underlying themes of this intensely touching and often searing account of the shameful treatment by a prince of the Church of a woman whose only sin was to fall hopelessly in love with him .
29 We also are exercising the Ministry of the Church within a context .
30 The themes used express the beliefs of the Church in a language accessible to children and teachers .
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