Example sentences of "of [art] [noun sg] [conj] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Scottish medieval churches were intended first and foremost as the setting for elaborate sung services , and without some appreciation of the music of those services any mental reconstruction of the church as it once was is incomplete , ’ says Richard Fawcett , Principle Inspector of Ancient Monuments .
2 If we stop moving we shall hear the pitch of the siren as it actually is , intermediate between the two Doppler-shifted pitches .
3 Er , this will obviously stop people driving on the wrong side of the road but it certainly wo n't or it wo n't prevent the excessive use of this service road which is very narrow indeed .
4 I watched the Leeds game on Saturday night on Match of the Day and it certainly was for Norwich .
5 Such was the power of the press that it quickly became apparent that 23 Pelham Street could no longer cope with the demand .
6 United had one more chance six minutes before the end when Martin Foyle did well to turn on the ball ; in the edge of the penalty area he hit a shot low and hard towards the corner of the net but it just drifted wide of the far post and United 's chance had gone .
7 The Hunters ' techniques can not , alas , be regarded as contributions to the state of the art as it then existed .
8 1 COOLING : You should n't remove the metal slats at the back of the PC as it seriously affects the through ventilation .
9 There are also rivers for which LAOs have not attempted to make agreements on the grounds that there are no problems or there is not sufficient demand , all very well until someone decides to apply the letter of the law as it presently stands .
10 Thus the common law must still be considered in order to gain the broader perspective of the law as it currently stands .
11 What is needed is a relaxation of the law as it now stands to allow the controlled admission of children to certain pubs at certain times of day .
12 Well it 's a very specialized boat in a sense , I mean it goes on the surface of the water and it literally goes on the surface of the water , it 's a hovercraft is a sort of a it 's a vessel which has got a skirt all round it
13 Not only does the epidermis secrete the greater part of the cuticle but it also produces the moulting fluid ( Bade and Wyatt , 1962 ; Jeuniaux , 1963 ) , which dissolves the old endocuticle before the immature insect moults ( p. 361 ) , it absorbs the digestion products of the old cuticle , repairs wounds and differentiates in such a way as to determine the surface patterns of the insect ( Wigglesworth , 1959 ; Lawrence , 1967 ) .
14 Dad steadied the bottom of the ladder but it still swung about a bit which really frightened me .
15 The use of OPENOUT destroys the contents of the file if it previously existed .
16 It was obviously a send-up of The Face but it nevertheless reflected a certain smartening up in the band .
17 As I was saying earlier on , it is a contract a legally binding contract , which does lay down the actual contractual position , but as in every business we do n't stick rigidly to the lettering of the policy , so erm in practice I think if you take the policy purely as it is erm it probably gives not as good effect of the policy as it actually is .
18 No more was said of the job and it rapidly became impossible to tell who was trying to please whom over the matter of the Venetian lantern .
19 In September , O'Brien called a meeting in an attempt to establish a Derry branch of the association but it never got off the ground ; indeed even at the height of the civil rights movement NICRA had branches in north and south County Derry but in the city itself the principal civil rights organisation was the DCAC , which although affiliated to NICRA , was completely autonomous .
20 Papin was quoted ( by the News of the World so it probably ai nt true ) that he would not be surprised if Rantona jacked in football altogether .
21 ‘ [ Just as ] feminism identifies interrelatedness and mutuality-equal , respectful , and nurturing relationships — as the basis of the world as it really is and as it ought to be , we can find no better understanding and image of the divine than that of the perfect and open relationships of love .
22 My Lords , may I ask my Noble Friend if it would n't be better really to lease the land for a period of time , perhaps long enough for the anguish felt about the cost of the library as it currently stands and when perhaps more optimistic views could be entertained , because the piece of land it 's on is not going to be recoverable once it 's sold .
23 This would be nothing more than an admission of the truth as it actually is , and would thereby be an important refutation of ‘ god-given ’ rights .
24 The closing words of the subsection as it now stands , providing that ‘ in determining whether accommodation is suitable they shall have regard to Part IX ( slum clearance ) , X ( overcrowding ) and XI ( houses in multiple occupation ) of this Act ’ seem to me to call unmistakably for the exercise by the local authority of a subjective judgment as to what constitutes suitable accommodation .
25 Damage is extensive on both the dentine and the enamel , some teeth having all of the enamel removed , leaving a narrow and eroded dentine core , while others also have much of the dentine removed so that the edges of the dentine , or of the enamel if it still remains , collapses in on itself ( Fig. 3.22 O ) .
26 Nevertheless the foregoing does express the nature of the situation as it really is and people should be very well aware of it before they decide to start a family or indulge in sexual activity likely to produce a child .
27 The view expressed by Dr. I. in April 1992 that this should not happen was supported by independent medical opinion , but I have no doubt that all the doctors concerned would agree that situations can change and that , if and when a decision whether or not to use mechanical ventilation has to be taken , it must be taken in the light of the situation as it then exists .
28 It is mainly in the instrumental strands of the score but it also penetrates the vocal parts , too , as you will very quickly find , for instance in the fugal first Kyrie which is projected in a disjointed , somewhat breathless fashion .
29 It had no business goodwill and was not permitted to trade ; nor did it have shareholders ; ( 5 ) in failing to take proper account of the fact that it logically followed that if a local government corporation could sue for libel in respect of its governing reputation then so too could any institution of central government ( including , for example , a government department which was a statutory corporation such as the Department of the Environment ) ; ( 6 ) in the premises in considering that there was no uncertainty or ambiguity in English law in relation to the extent to which local authorities might sue for libel .
30 That 's why the very un-Hollywood editing ( the German prisoners , after very little discussion are summarily disposed of ) comes as less of a shock than it ordinarily would have .
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