Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] i 've [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 This is a matter of personal conscience and what every member in the council chamber today must be aware of , is that there is a vociferous and committed group of people we know that because we 've all had a great deal of communication from them and interestingly enough I have and most of the communication I 've had has been in favour so victory , people who write must be extremely perceptive in , with er marketing the that 's not the point , we all know that there is a committed and vociferous group of people whose consciences do not lead them to the same conclusions as Mr 's conscience and the issue really is , do we in a liberal and democratic society have the right to impose our consciences on those of other people who live in the community and quite clearly and quite determinedly take a different view .
2 So many of the games I 've seen here have been dominated more that ever by the boot .
3 ‘ Around the base of the tree I 've planted cyclamen bulbs which look marvellous in spring , together with the snowdrops .
4 ‘ When you 've seen some of the problems I 've seen you 'll realise how lucky you are . ’
5 I 've lost count of the times I 've made a good catch and returned the next night ( or day as the case may be ) only to blank or , at best , catch a fraction of the previous night 's catch .
6 ‘ If Neil 's taken any notice of the hints I 've dropped , it should be a new car . ’
7 I have n't given her this last year ( since I left home ) one half of the consideration I 've given the beastly creature upstairs just this last week .
8 There are two different kinds of short story — one of the type I 've described , with a single narrative idea , the other post-modernist .
9 ‘ Mind you , I 've been shocked by some of the secrets I 've uncovered in ordinary bedrooms .
10 ‘ No , but it 's one of the languages I 've learnt to speak over the years . ’
11 ‘ At the end of the day I 've got three kids to look after and they 're going to get stick in school over this . ’
12 At the end of the day I 've got my head screwed on .
13 he said at the end of the day I 've had enough
14 ‘ I started as a player in pro football in 1953 and what I 'm trying to do now is put back some of the enjoyment I 've had from the game , ’ he added .
15 I 've been on it for over three years and I 'm quite concerned about some of the things I 've heard tonight and I 'm going to make an appointment
16 Erm I go along with the brigadier on this , I do n't approve of any of the things I 've heard this evening , and I do n't believe that that is the normal course of action in the Army .
17 That 's one of the things I 've done , actually . ’
18 You see one of the things I 've done , I 've , I 've done , er I feel we could do quite easily , is make our play barns more accessible to young people , you know .
19 I think I can say that during my career most of the things I 've decided ought to be done , I 've got done , but I 've done them in very different ways to other people and sometimes I 've been criticised for not going out and grabbing the headlines .
20 I would say many of the things I 've said strike a chord in the hearts of ordinary people .
21 But some of the things I 've seen are — well , that does n't explain them . ’
22 And Sid had said , ‘ If I had the time I could write down some of the things I 've seen that you would n't believe . ’
23 you can see in fact you know the position , for every option adopted in January I think the er , some of the things I 've seen will in fact will minimize the impact upon Pipers Vale , but I think that , I think we 'll have to wait until after Christmas to get the er final recommendations from the er from the
24 That 's the um general er consensus in most of the things I 've read in trying to find out stuff for this lecture .
25 I 've got very strange ideals , and one of the things I 've got a very definite mind on is abortion .
26 I think today that if someone was designing a house one would incorporate all the modern additions which have suddenly become fashionable such as double porches , doubleglazing and er patio windows , I think that these things are perhaps a development from , in the same way as this house is a development from the rooms and the flats we lived in in London so that the modern conceptions of the things I 've mentioned could be incorporated as normal in the house certainly would be cheaper to incorporate them when building the house than adding them on .
27 About 30 per cent of the women I 've met through our training courses are certainly in this position .
28 Do n't you worry , some of the women I 've met have proved to be the most formidable of foes .
29 And , even if it were just an American issue , how can one claim to represent American art properly in the period when women 's work often led the way without including some of the artists I 've mentioned .
30 ‘ You would n't believe the age of some of the crates I 've driven , ’ Ace said .
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