Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [conj] make [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in Dundee the Tayside Public Transport Company , which is still owned by the regional council , has been forced , under the provisions of the 1985 Act , to alter some of the services and make them commercial .
2 As far as the debtor 's obligations are concerned , he must retain possession of the goods and make them available for the creditor to collect , taking reasonable care of them in the meantime ( s72(4) ) .
3 THIS is such a delicious offering , of the kind that makes you chuckle in recollection on the way home , that I do not really want to give the game away by saying too much about what goes on .
4 Cos it was in with the electric bills , and I did n't want that , and that was one of the advantages that made me decide to have here , cos I knew that the heating was in with the rent .
5 Will the Government please review the workings of the Act and make them more effective ?
6 The key point about self-assembly is that the forms generated derive from the nature of the elements that make them up .
7 It 's one of the things that made them different .
8 The beauty about making the batsman hit into the V is that the bowler can pack his fielders in that area of the field and make it extremely difficult for the batsman to score more than a single .
9 This approach could involve studying the statistical distribution of child abuse , or comparing a group of known child abusers with a non-abusing control group , in order to try to identify and isolate some of the factors that make it more likely that some parents will abuse their children .
10 And was it only yesterday when she 'd worked beside him at the barbecue while becoming vitally conscious of the attraction that made her feel drawn towards him ?
11 If intended as a last step prior to dismissal , such a warning should describe the nature of the offence and make it clear that a repetition will cause you to be dismissed .
12 He came back full of the experience and made us all quite envious , but he was able to see first hand what went on at the business end of the oil industry and picked up some useful knowledge for future reference when dealing with the oil men .
13 The interior spaces of the wedge-shaped building were converted to suit their new function by artists Robert Irwin and Richard Fleischner , with architect David Raphael Singer , whose particular brief was to retain the all-glass walls of the building while making it a suitable and secure venue for displaying works of art .
14 ‘ Our combined weights on the outside of the cradle pushed it into the side of the building and made it tip , ’ said Warel .
15 The ‘ network structure ’ of control , authority and communications provided a greater commitment on the part of the workforce and made it better able to respond to change .
16 Vigno had taken two lumps of granite from the side of the hill and made us keep them in our mouths for three hours .
17 Such an agency generates a repulsive force which eventually becomes so strong as to halt the contraction of the object and to make it ‘ bounce ’ .
18 This characterizes the prey assemblages of the three larger species of canid studied , but the bat-eared fox has only 19 per cent of the incisors in its prey assemblages lightly digested , the lowest of any of the mammals and making it equivalent to categories 1 or 2 .
19 It gave operators and management timely information that they used to alter the running characteristics of the line and make it more cost effective .
20 The oboe tends to impoverish the tone of the violins and to make it sound thin and pinched .
21 She withdrew , and Claudia opened the door , steeling herself to greet Roman without a trace of the emotion that made her want to run out of the flat , away from the two people she loved most and who were causing her so much pain that she wanted to die .
22 I bear you no ill will , for well I found the tables entirely turned upon me , and that I was in far ore danger from you than you were from me for I was just upon resolving to defy all the censures of the world and to make you publicly and openly my wife . "
23 In those circumstances , it was thought right to reduce some of the activities of the RNR and to make them more relevant to the future .
24 Throughout that period I 've canvassed for the Labour Party , I 've campaigned for the Labour Party , I 've argued for the Labour Party and one of the items that made me join the Labour Party and one of the items I got other people to join the Labour Party was that Labour was a mass Party , because it consisted of hundreds of thousands of individual members and it consisted of millions of trade unionists .
25 Their captain ( for so I must term him — though their forces understand no battle order and hurl themselves pell-mell on us like mere animals who must quench their parched throats with blood ) , a certain youth who is called Dulay to his people , with a trick of the eye that makes him seem to look at you and yet not see you ( and other tricks beside — I have seen this same swart creature climb a ladder into the air as if it were a tree planted there foursquare ) , we apprehended as he fled from our justice .
26 It 's based on the two fingered symbol of peace , and although it was originally designed for lead guitars I eventually scaled it up to use on my basses ; it 's one of the features that makes them instantly recognisable . ’
27 just as the formation of the neural tube and lens involves changes in the shape of a sheet of cells , so the formation of many other organs also arises from the folding and movement of cell sheets , which are caused by active change in the shape of the cells that make them up .
28 This simplifies the response aspect of the task and makes it more likely that errors will be the result of difficulties in understanding the verbal stimulus , rather than problems in signalling what has been understood .
29 For this reason they are often seen to be weak ; yet it is this very willingness of the subordinates to shift their own goals in order to preserve the harmony of the team that makes it possible for the group at the top of the hierarchy to perform at all .
30 ‘ I thought it over again and I have decided there must be an announcement , because it would indicate the merits of the matter and make it perfectly clear that I was in the right . ’
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