Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [conj] i 've " in BNC.

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1 That means joint commissioning , you have an example later on in your agenda in relation to learning disability services , I think it 's items nine , nine and eleven , erm , er , perhaps the most controversial part of the proposals that I 've , I 've put before the authorities , is that you do n't expect the structures for joint care planning to carry the full weight of joint commissioning when you 're talking about main budgets .
2 If that is the case that each of the political parties , as I assume is the case for er the Conservative party , I know it to be the case of the Labour party I assume the same is true for the Liberal Democrats and other parties represented in this house , that they undertake the very considerable organisational er er process of selecting candidates only to find a few weeks before June the ninth , that as a result of the difficulties that I 've described as far as the French government attitude towards these elections is concerned , that er in fact we have to revert to the existing arrangements and that we can not have these new er boundaries in place .
3 And one of one of the things that I 've got on a regular basis is the many of the things Harlow Council put on like pop concerts country and western have actually been used by people who who perhaps live outside of Harlow so the Council are now looking at a charging policy but also we should also gon na introduce into the theatre is the leisure card which actually includes that the people actually live in the town local and the reproductional sort of show if they can do so they should buy .
4 Mr Chairman could I ask a question because one of the things that I 've found missing this evening is specific things that people would like to see in this playhouse or perhaps specific things that we used to do and that find are missing and the last I have n't heard the word gallery mentioned from there much at all what do we think about the gallery ?
5 most of the things that I 've done have been on Atlantic salmon and you put in Atlantic salmon and you get seven thousand eight hundred
6 But , by and large , and Wanda was an exception , all the things in life that I 've most enjoyed have been the things that I 've been paid really very little for , and most of the things that I 've been paid most for have been the least interesting .
7 also some of the things that I 've been going on with , doing this one with three , and I do n't know if it , they 'll stay in the can long enough for that .
8 for example about , because you know one of the things that I 've thought about for quite a long time is the idea of encouraging voluntary organizations , concerned with the disability to get more interested in the arts and that 's obviously what Mecca is
9 This is one of my film articles which I mean it 's of the things that I 've sent of and I know it will be published because I belong to the Cinema Veterans cinema and television veterans and they have this quarterly magazine and almost certainly you know it will be published in there , there 's no
10 But what I 'd like to do before we progress much farther , is just to , just to think , maybe about some of the things that I 've said there , some of the things that we 've already spoken about .
11 I mean I one of the things that I 've always sort of had in mind is that we put it down in the reception area .
12 Er I wonder if you will use any of the things that I 've talked to you about tonight ?
13 Sorry , I should explain to the committee that I was informed that the secretary who normally does the minutes for the half past one was sick , and had , she 'd been sent home by her doctor at lunch time , so I came back from lunch and had to come straight into committee , and I do apologize if I have missed bits of paper or whatever , I 've gathered up everything I could , but that might well be one of the things that I 've left behind .
14 M I mean , let's be fair I mean most of the stallholders that I 've found in Nottinghamshire erm are perfectly honest and reputable and many of them been there many years anyway .
15 Now , two of the questions out of the six will come from developmental and four of the questions of the six will be coming from the topics that I 've covered on most of s it 'll come from one one of the many topics that I 've c or several of the topics that I 've covered .
16 I 've never really asked the extent The limitations of the injuries that I 've got .
17 Now even more than the rest of the stuff that I 've said I would n't mention that to anybody else no .
18 Now one of the criticisms that I 've had er from the people who prefer to be nameless but always come to me afterwards and say oh it was a waste of time coming .
19 But I I I 'm at early in the morning so me mammy says , Why do n't you try one of the Diazepam that I 've got .
20 And I know that 's what she 's planning to do — get me thrown out of the company that I 've helped to build , taken a reduced salary .
21 but er , she says I 've got ta get off of the phone cos I 've , when I , when I told him I was gon na phone you he went oh no
22 Now I 'm going to help you with it and what I suggest we do this morning when I give you these sheets will you please write your name and today 's date at the top of the sheet and I put the date on the board , and then can you please resist the temptation to start , start writing over the rest of the sheet until I 've gone through it with you .
23 does n't matter if I 'm not going to name any names but I mean I 've seen some people who it 's been suggested might stand two hoots of a flick of a finger whether someone of the sort that I 've seen mentioned , stood or not .
24 Erm I most of the tapes that I 've had in the past have been recorded mono , erm and I 've needed a little doohickey to turn the erm output into mono as well cos it 's awfully off-putting spending seven and a half hours with the stuff coming in through one ear only .
25 I think that as professional drivers we would all w look at that and s and see that Er I mean been out with very many lorry drivers and er that is the way that I 've sort of been with the majority of the guys that I 've been in .
26 Er in in the in the vicinity of the corner that I 've marked with a star .
27 I 'm at the front of the hunt and I 've got lots of other things to keep my eye on . ’
28 I 've given you something to try and take the swelling off your chest , and that should ease a bit of the pain but I 've also given you er stuff to stop all this bursting
29 I could see a barge or something out there in the middle of the Thames but I 've never been much good with boats .
30 Erm there have been erm , I should have written it down actually because I 've I 've just gone a complete blank , there was that erm that famous case in the States ah and there were two people who 'd erm I think the main impetus for the abuse of their child came from the came from the man came from the husband and there was a great deal of er debate as to why the woman had n't successfully protected the child or successfully done something about it er and I 've forgotten the names of the people and I 've forgotten when it was .
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