Example sentences of "of [art] [noun] [conj] [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 They should let us get out of church and then get the people they want instead of grabbing the person they want right in the middle of the church and carrying them out .
2 Earnestly , Oz scooped them out of the basket and held them towards the woman .
3 ‘ And there 's some shortbread and chocolates and a jar of chicken breasts , ’ she said , taking them out of the basket and putting them on the table .
4 The true cats of the genus Felis have a different attachment of the larynx that robs them of this ability .
5 For example , you can put down hoops or ball cans in certain areas of the court and use them as targets .
6 Rather the role of the Holy Spirit is to heighten their awareness of the problem and enable them to identify with those to whom they are called to speak .
7 Remember however that current affairs and news programmes are rooted in the moment and the particular local concerns of the country that produces them .
8 Here 's another : an Arts Council-funded photographic project called What She Wants ( with a grant of £14,000 , half the sum requested ) is inviting women to submit intimate pictures of men , and a report of the session that produced them ( ‘ Did he let you do everything you wanted ? ’ ) .
9 MITI believes that such exports should be of less concern to advocates of managed trade than consumer goods , because components increase the competitiveness — and therefore the export potential — of the industries that buy them .
10 Without a sound the men of Ruthyn , more than half of those leading the pursuit , fell with the impetus of the arrows that pierced them , heeling out of their saddles like a breaking wave , downhill from the forest .
11 ( ii ) To encourage subject departments to inspire pupils with an interest in their subject to use the Library/Resource Centre to further their knowledge of the subject and to enable them to use the skills of the subject , in particular by finding its concepts meaningful for the whole of life .
12 We have own a pony days when a child is allocated a pony and one of the stable hands takes care of the child and helps them look after the pony .
13 They can be studied as examples of uses of the medium in the context of the society that produced them .
14 To Clara , it was always painfully conspicuous , an indictment of a way of life ; she knew nothing of the history of slop basins , nor of the society that evolved them and their joyless name , but the sight of one affected her like some shameful family secret .
15 For example , in Dundee the Tayside Public Transport Company , which is still owned by the regional council , has been forced , under the provisions of the 1985 Act , to alter some of the services and make them commercial .
16 Mould small pieces of white icing over the ends of the sticks and allow them to dry before painting brown .
17 Jazzbeaux took the rubber ducks and Wally Whales out of the tub and threw them away , then turned on the shower , letting the water run .
18 At moments like this Forester writes within the conventions of the genre and uses them superbly .
19 It is also at least arguable that these sections of the UCTA prevent the seller from imposing an obligation on the buyer to permit the seller to exercise the options of alteration of the goods or taking them back for a refund , because such actions by the seller would be in breach of his warranty of quiet possession .
20 As far as the debtor 's obligations are concerned , he must retain possession of the goods and make them available for the creditor to collect , taking reasonable care of them in the meantime ( s72(4) ) .
21 Section 44 provides that the seller can resume possession of the goods and retain them until payment or tender of the price to him , if two conditions are both fulfilled :
22 For a confirmation of this , you only have to look at some of Turner 's paintings of the Dales and compare them with the reality to see how much poetic licence has been taken for the sake of the " phantasmagoric " .
23 If you are using guitar machine heads ( far more easily adjusted than pegs , which also require special tools to fit them accurately ) it is more convenient to modify the shape of the head and fit them only on the left ( if you are right-handed ) in the manner of Fender guitars .
24 They seized on every detail of the evidence and plastered them over their front pages .
25 I scrambled out of the trench and accompanied them through the trees to the farm .
26 She ca n't remember how she spent that day but has a vague memory of being like a wild animal howling through the house , tears pouring down her face , drinking brandy , tearing at her clothes , pulling his clothes out of the wardrobe and holding them close to her , burying her face in them , trying to recover the smell of him .
27 He was glad that he did n't throw out the Christmas cards from his son and daughter in 1987 , for every year since he had taken them out of the suitcase on top of the wardrobe and displayed them in his own room as if they had come in with the morning post .
28 Her substantial and brilliant book A Rhetoric of the Unreal uses the work of French intellectual stars in a familiar and matter-of-fact way , without any of the bedazzlement that surrounds them on this side of the Channel .
29 It is an atavistic reaction , born partly of disappointment that decades of believing that infectious diseases are a danger past and partly from the underlying despair of those infected with HIV and the anger of the groups that represent them .
30 I left them as I approached No. 6 Commando positions and stood at the side of the road and watched them all pass by .
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