Example sentences of "of [adj] [v-ing] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Chairperson of Westport UDC , Sean Staunton , who is also chairperson of Ireland West Tourism welcomed the decision to refuse planning permission and asked : ‘ The question everybody must face up to is — do we want the short-term and dubious economic benefits of all mining in this area or the long-term and positive benefits of ongoing tourism and development ? ’
2 The last national census which took place in 1981 provides information about the occupation of those residing in each locality .
3 All centuries , of course , have been centuries of change ; but few would deny that in the nineteenth century change was greatly accelerated ; that much was apparent to the more perceptive of those living at that time .
4 Second , what are the values and practices of those working inside such organisations , and how do these affect what they select and how they handle it ?
5 Neatly coinciding with the fair is the publication of a new book , Facing the Page : the artist and the book , by Silvie Turner , published by Estamp which provides details of those working in this field in Britain at present and the projects currently underway as well as summarising the work of the last decade .
6 Most of those pressing for more individuals in the stockmarket have an interest in doing so .
7 In May 1927 , 25 cars were sold to T. W. Ward & Co. for scrapping and are thought to have included most of those remaining from this batch .
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